Rhodesian Ridgeback Black Mouth Cur Mix – Is This Breed Right For You? (2024)


The Rhodesian Ridgeback-Black Mouth Cur mix is a unique and relatively uncommon breed. The hybrid of two hunting dogs, it would be easy to assume that this breed would be aggressive and not an ideal family dog. 

The Rhodesian Ridgeback-Black Mouth Cur mix comes from two parent dogs who are known for their loyalty and protectiveness over their families.

Fun-loving and adventurous, if you are looking for a companion for your active lifestyle, this hybrid could be in the cards for you. 

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The Rhodesian Ridgeback and the Black Mouth Cur


To better understand this mix, it helps to understand the individual parent breeds, their origins, and their dominant characteristics. 

The Rhodesian Ridgeback

The Rhodesian Ridgeback’s origins are in Africa, in particular in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), and is the only registered breed native to Southern Africa. 

The Rhodesian Ridgeback was bred by European settlers in Africa who needed a dog that could withstand the polarizing temperatures and distinct conditions of the terrain while possessing traits of a hunter and guardian. 

Accordingly, they interbred their own dogs with the semi-domesticated hunting dogs of the Khoikhoi, an indigenous population of southern Africa. 

As its name suggests, the Rhodesian Ridgeback is characterized by the ridge of backward-growing hair down their back. Used to hunt lions, they are also known as the African Lion Hound or African Lion Dog. 

The Black Mouth Cur

The Black Mouth Cur, also known as the Southern Cur, was developed in the south of the United States. People speculate that they were first bred in Tennessee or Mississippi. 

Black Mouth Curs are best known as hunting or herding dogs because they are very active, move quickly, and can last in harsh environments. They were likely initially developed to be working and farm dogs. 

Loyal and brave, they can also make excellent companions with the right owner and good conditions. 

Rhodesian Ridgeback-Black Mouth Cur Appearance


The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a muscular, and athletic dog that’s part of the hound group.

They have a short, smooth, and glossy coat with a distinct line of hair running down their back. This ridge is formed by hairs that grow in the opposite direction to the rest of the coat.

The color of the Rhodesian Ridgeback is often characterized as wheaten but can vary between light wheaten to dark or red wheaten. They usually have a little white on the chest or toes and sometimes have a dark mask on the muzzle. 

The Black Mouth Cur is a medium to large dog with a powerful build. These dogs also have short coats but with a wide range of possible textures and colors. The coat can be rough or shiny and can come in colors such as red, yellow, fawn, and black. 

Many Black Mouth Curs have a distinct black muzzle. Interestingly, although “black mouth” is in its name, it is not a universal attribute.  

As both parent dogs are large and strong with short coats, the Rhodesian Ridgeback-Black Mouth Cur mix inherits these characteristics.

If it inherits its coat color from the Rhodesian Ridgeback it will be wheaten-colored, whereas the color can vary more if it inherits its coat from its Black Mouth Cur parent.  

Rhodesian Ridgeback-Black Mouth Cur Size and Weight


Generally, both the Rhodesian Ridgeback and Black Mouth Cur are large dogs, so the Rhodesian Ridgeback-Black Mouth Cur mix will also be on the larger side. However, it depends on the size and weight of the individual parent dogs. 

The male Rhodesian Ridgeback is around 25” to 27” at the shoulders and weighs around 85 pounds. Females are around 24” to 26” and weigh around 70 pounds. 

On the other hand, the size and weight of the Black Mouth Cur are more varied.

The male Black Mouth Cur can be between 18” to 25” in height and 40 to 95 pounds in weight, while the female can be between 16” to 23” in height and 35 to 85 pounds in weight. 

The resulting mix of the Rhodesian Ridgeback-Black Mouth Cur mix is likely to stand about 20 to 25 inches at the shoulder and weigh about 60 to 80 lbs. 

Rhodesian Ridgeback-Black Mouth Cur Personality, Behavior, and Temperament


The Rhodesian Ridgeback-Black Mouth Cur mix is innately strong, alert, and intelligent because both parent breeds were originally intended for hunting and tracking.

But while they are hunting dogs and may be intimidating in size, both the parent breeds and their offspring are also very loving and loyal dogs who form strong, protective bonds with their families. 

They’re usually okay with small children and are friendly and playful, but they can also be wary and aloof when it comes to strangers.

However, they have sound temperaments and will not act aggressively, especially if socialized early and given proper and consistent training.  

On that note, they must receive good training and be socialized from a young age because they may have defensive and headstrong predispositions. 

Caring For a Rhodesian Ridgeback-Black Mouth Cur


Grooming Needs

The Rhodesian Ridgeback-Black Mouth Cur is a low-maintenance breed when it comes to grooming. 

Because their short coats make them easy to care for, you don’t need to cut their hair to maintain the shape of the coat.

You’ll only need to brush their coat weekly to remove any loose hairs and you won’t have to continuously sweep up fur as shedding is minimal.  

In addition, these dogs also don’t need to bathe often so an occasional bath every few weeks is enough to keep the Rhodesian Ridgeback-Black Mouth Cur clean and looking healthy. 

You do, however, need to trim their nails regularly if they are not worn down naturally from daily life. This prevents discomfort when walking and the risk of nails breaking.

You’ll also need to check their ears regularly to ensure there’s no wax buildup or infections and brush their teeth regularly to prevent the buildup of plaque or bacteria that can cause periodontal disease.

Feeding Needs

The Rhodesian Ridgeback-Black Mouth Cur mix is an athletic dog, so they require high-quality nutritious dog food to maintain their energy and strength.

A balanced diet should contain both protein and fat, and should of course be adjusted based on size, weight, and age. 

These dogs are likely to be gluttons and could be prone to gaining weight, so you must monitor their intake to prevent overfeeding. For example, while treats are a good incentive in training, a balance must be struck so they don’t become obese.

Training and Socializing

Because of their hunting origins, the Rhodesian Ridgeback-Black Mouth Cur is extremely intelligent and strong-minded and will often do what they want. It’s important to start training these dogs as early as possible to manage these tendencies. 

As naturally stubborn dogs, they may challenge other dogs and humans. It is crucial when starting to train and form a relationship with these dogs to establish yourself as the alpha. 

You will also need to approach training firmly and make use of positive reinforcement to encourage their good behavior, which additionally helps form a bond with your dog. 

It is necessary to socialize them with other pets and humans from a young age, given their hunting instincts and protectiveness over their humans. 

Introducing them to new people and animals, as well as new places will help them be more welcoming of strangers and curb their naturally defensive, aloof nature when interacting with strangers. 


Both parent breeds were originally intended for hunting, so it should come as no surprise that the Rhodesian Ridgeback-Black Mouth Cur is an energetic and active dog. Because of this, they require a lot of exercise. 

One or two hours of exercise a day will keep a Rhodesian Ridgeback-Black Mouth Cur happy. They’d be great dogs to take on hikes and runs and as they get older, they’d be a nice companion for walks. 

Hunting dogs require stimulation and can grow rebellious and destructive when bored. Training them is a great way to get their fix of activity and movement to keep them at bay.

An intelligent breed, they could also do with combining mental and physical stimulation from learning games, tricks, or sports. 

Rhodesian Ridgeback-Black Mouth Cur Potential Health Problems


The Rhodesian Ridgeback and the Black Mouth Cur are both healthy breeds because of their naturally active lifestyles as hunting dogs.

Nevertheless, it is always better to err on the side of caution and be aware of potential health issues that may arise.

Ear Infections

The Rhodesian Ridgeback-Black Mouth Cur mixes have floppy ears that make them prone to ear infections. The folded nature of their ears traps moisture and dirt especially if they live in wet, humid conditions or enjoy swimming. 

Fortunately, this is easily preventable by checking their ears as often as possible to detect any signs of infection before they become irreversible. You should also clean their ears regularly with a vet-approved ear cleaning solution. 

Hip and Elbow Dysplasia

Dysplasia is common in larger and heavier dog breeds. It occurs when the joints form abnormally, causing displacement or looseness between the bones and joints.

This can prevent proper functioning and cause pain and difficulty when walking, even to the point of immobility. 

While there is unfortunately no definite cure for hip or elbow dysplasia, the pain felt can be managed through a healthy diet and exercise. As dysplasia is more common with obese dogs, managing your dog’s weight can help too. 

Dysplasia is genetic and can be screened for, so it would be useful to find out about the health backgrounds of the parents if possible. 


The thyroid is the gland in your neck responsible for producing hormones that regulate metabolism, growth, and development. Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland isn’t functioning properly, causing a deficit in necessary hormones. 

Symptoms of hypothyroidism include lethargy, cold intolerance, weight gain, and hair loss.

Hypothyroidism itself is usually caused by other diseases like lymphocytic thyroiditis or idiopathic thyroid gland atrophy, or in rare cases cancer of the thyroid gland. 

Hypothyroidism can’t be cured but it can be treated with thyroid replacement hormone. This medication manages thyroid levels and has to be taken for the rest of the dog’s life. 

Dermoid Sinus

Dermoid sinus refers to a tubular indentation of the skin near the spine. It is a result of a developmental abnormality, meaning that it is a defect present from birth. They are not harmful but are prone to infection. 

The risk when such an indentation is near the spine is that infection could affect the central nervous system and lead to pain and illness. 

All Rhodesian Ridgebacks with a ridge have a predisposition for developing dermoid sinuses, so this is something to be wary of in a Rhodesian Ridgeback-Black Mouth Cur mix.


Epilepsy is quite a common neurological disorder found in dogs that comes about genetically or because of problems in the brain. 

This condition causes recurrent seizures triggered by factors such as flashing lights or sudden noise. Severe seizures can be dangerous and lead to future complications and heart attacks. 

Most dogs can live normally with anticonvulsant medication, but this medication needs to be administered throughout the dog’s lifetime.

Because of this, it is prescribed with caution as stopping and restarting may negatively impact the severity of the seizures.

Conclusion For “Rhodesian Ridgeback Black Mouth Cur Mix”


The Rhodesian Ridgeback-Black Mouth Cur is a strong, athletic dog. While it is a low-maintenance dog in terms of grooming and home care, it is not advised for inexperienced dog owners because of the demands of training and exercise. 

As offspring of two hunting dogs, this breed does best with a spacious environment and lots of activity. They will not do well in small apartments or with families who prefer sedentary lifestyles and indoor activities or those who have busy schedules. 

All things considered, if your lifestyle aligns with that of the Rhodesian Ridgeback-Black Mouth Cur, they will be loyal, loving companions that will happily accompany you on all your outdoor adventures. 

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For more information about the Black Mouth Cur Breed, check out the video below: