When describing the Bernedoodle, it’s often been said that with so many breed variations, there’s one out there for every person. Regardless of what you may be searching for, today’s dog breeds can offer something suited to you. Owning a Bernedoodle is having an intelligent dog, with the low shedding coat of the Poodle, and the mellow and extremely loyal personality of the Bernese Mountain Dog. In other words, you have the ideal family dog.
Are Bernedoodles Good Family Dogs? Good With Small Kids? Bernedoodles make excellent family dogs. They are a great companion and Family Dog is the title that probably fits them best. This breed has the happy-go-lucky, playful attitude from the Bernese Mountain Dog and the intelligence of a Poodle. They love playing with children and even do well with small children when they’ve been adequately socialized around them. There are few things Bernedoodles enjoy more than just spending time with their family whether it’s running outside, playing fetch or cuddling on the furniture.
Below we will discuss what in particular makes them so good with families, and what you need to look for if you have smaller children.
The Bernedoodle’s Temperament
Many breeders claim that Bernedoodles get some of the best temperament and personality traits from the Bernese Mountain Dog and the Poodle. Obviously, each dog is different and has its own personality, but overall Bernedoodles tend to be loyal, highly intelligent, playful, hardworking when needed and even a tad bit goofy. They tend to get along with everyone and everything. With proper socialization, they even do great with children and good with other animals.
The Bernese Mountain Dog is known for being stubborn, and some Bernedoodles inherit this undesirable quality. However, their high intelligence takes over as they get older, and they understand and follow commands much better. They do tend to be apprehensive and shy around strangers, so it’s important that they get as much socialization around other people, children and animals as possible. If they receive adequate socialization, especially at a young age, there are few people or things of which they are not comfortable and happy being around. Overall, their personality and temperament can be described as mellow and extremely easy going.
Are They Good With Small Children?
Bernedoodles are bred to be loving, loyal family dogs with a special affection for children. They have a particular potential for playfulness and roughhousing with children. They do best around young children when they’ve been introduced to them when they’re still pups. They do best in homes where they can grow with the children.
Bernedoodles are very intelligent dogs and also very trainable. That said, they’re also headstrong as puppies. They need to be consistently shown what is expected of them. With consistent training, Bernedoodles can make excellent playmates to young children because they love playing and love being with family members. The stubbornness often fades as they get older, and they become happy, playful, affectionate, loyal, funny dogs loved by the entire family. While they’ll probably never be a show dog, they will make a wonderful companion for children and adults alike.
Issues Associated With Puppies
Bernedoodle puppies are no different than other puppies when it comes to puppy tendencies.
- Jumping
- Nipping
- Biting
- Chewing
They don’t do these things to be naughty or to be mean. They do them because they’re puppies, and this is what puppies do. They jump on people because they’re excited and because they’re smaller than just about everyone around them. They believe that jumping is bringing them closer to the person.
When your Bernedoodle puppy attempts to jump on you, turn away and walk away. If you give him any other attention, as attention is what he wants, and the behavior will continue.
Nipping and biting is also something all puppies do. It’s how they play. When they’re very little puppies, it’s how they play with their siblings. They nip and bite each other. When they’re in their new home, these habits continue until the behavior is corrected. Most puppies will even bite your hand when you’re petting them. They’re doing this because they’re excited about the attention and how they respond to the attention.
The best way to eliminate nipping and biting is firmly walking away from the dog. If the puppy is biting you when you’re petting him, stop petting him. Try to pet him again and if he bites again, take your hand away again. Keep doing this until he eventually just lets you pet him, and he will eventually let you pet him. When you get the result you want, praise him.
As we mentioned previously, Bernedoodle puppies can exhibit a stubborn streak. This is why it’s so important to be firm and be consistent with discipline and training. Chewing on everything in sight is also a puppy thing, especially when they’re teething. Even when they’re done teething, they often continue to chew on things because it’s become a habit. Remove the thing they were chewing on, firmly say no, and replace it with a chew toy or something appropriate.
Watching Young Children Around The Dog
The relationship your Bernedoodle has with your children stems from how the relationship began. When young children are first introduced to the dog, it’s as important to monitor the child’s behavior as it is to monitor the dog’s behavior. Without realizing it, children can be mean to puppies, especially young children too young to know better. They might slap the dog, kick the dog or pull his ears.
It’s important to stay near a young child when they’re by the dog to ensure they don’t hurt each other. Young children unintentionally hurting the dog or being too rough on him can result in the dog snapping or biting. The dog is not biting to be mean but rather as a defensive mechanism. Young children don’t always realize when they’re being too rough on the dog. Young children need to be taught to respect the dog and treat him with respect.
When the children and the Bernedoodle are young is when their relationship is developing. Teaching a young child how to handle and treat the dog will result in a wonderful life long bond. Never leave a young child alone and unattended with the dog.
Hypoallergenic Qualities Decrease Allergy Problems With Kids
It seems like every year brings about new allergies. Many of these seem to hit children the hardest, which makes having a pet dog very difficult. Many families claim they choose Bernedoodles because of their hypoallergenic attributes – attributes they get from the Poodle side. Poodles are known for their non-shedding coat and minimal amount of dander, which is what usually creates an allergic reaction in adults and children.
Although there really is no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog, the Bernadoodle comes as close to one as you can get especially when they’re produced through generational breeding. Here is an example of how generational breeding can help decrease allergy problems. A Bernadoodle is created by mating a Bernese Mountain Dog with a Poodle.
This mating results in the puppies being F1 Bernedoodles, which are 50% Bernese Mountain Dogs and 50% Poodles. This dog is going to be somewhat allergy-friendly because of the Poodle bloodline. Breeders often mate an F1 Bernedoodle with a Poodle and get an F1b dog. The F1b Bernedoodle is an even more allergy-friendly Bernedoodle because it’s 75% Poodle and 25% Bernese Mountain Dog.
Related Questions
How active are Bernedoodles?
Bernedoodles are not overly active yet are not lazy dogs either. They have an average energy drive. The Tiny and Miniature Bernedoodles generally have a higher energy drive than the Standard Bernedoodle, yet the Standard Bernedoodle typically has a higher need for exercise if it’s living in a small apartment where it doesn’t have the opportunity to run around.
How big do Bernedoodles get?
Bernedoodles are produced by mating the Bernese Mountain Dog with either a Tiny, Miniature or Standard Poodle. Therefore, the size a Bernedoodle will get depends on what size Poodle was used.
- Tiny Bernedoodles range from 10 lbs. to 24 lbs. and stand 12” to 17” at the shoulders as adults.
- Miniature Bernedoodles range from 25 lbs. to 49 lbs. and stand 18” to 22” at the shoulders as adults.
- Standard Bernedoodles range from 50 lbs. to 90 lbs. and stand 23” to 29” at the shoulders as adults.
Concluding Facts
The Bernedoodle has so many qualities that make it a wonderful family dog. Whether a family is choosing the tiny, miniature or standard Bernedoodle, the result is still a great family dog that will love children as much as children love them. With a little research and shopping around, you’re sure to find the right Bernedoodle for your family pet regardless of the age or size of your family!