French Bulldogs, like most other breeds, can be sensitive to and even allergic to, many foods that we as humans wouldn’t give a second thought to.
In addition to a good protein-rich diet, many owners like to give their pups special ‘human food’ treats.
But if your dog isn’t used to these food items or you give them the wrong types of food, you can throw their gut for a loop or even land them in the hospital.
So, what can French Bulldogs eat? They can eat many of the same things that other dogs eat. That being said, they are prone to obesity if their diet isn’t closely watched. As such, they need a relatively lean diet. Frenchies are also a little bit more likely to develop allergies as compared to other breeds.
You already know that French Bulldogs are not your average dogs. They have special needs and concerns specific to their breed.
When it comes to the health and safety of your dog, having a breed-specific guidebook on hand can be invaluable.
Our comprehensive book, The Owner’s Guide To The Perfect French Bulldog has become a bestseller for good reason, and we highly recommend it for any French Bulldog owner.
It covers every aspect of Frenchie care and addresses all of the questions that often arise when living with a Frenchie, including feeding guidelines.
You won’t find a more complete, easy-to-read, practical guide anywhere, and before you know it, you’ll be a Frenchie pro, raising your pup with a confidence you didn’t know was possible.
After all, if you are going to invest your time and money in a French Bulldog, isn’t it worth doing everything the right way from the very beginning?
Be sure to pick up your copy today!
Of course you only want what’s best for your four-legged buddy, but knowing what’s safe to feed him can be tricky.
That’s why we carefully researched the best foods for French Bulldogs (puppies and adults), both dry and canned, and compiled our findings to help you make the best decision.
But, we totally understand that occasionally you’ll want to offer them a small, healthy treat.
Here, we’ll discuss many common foods that Frenchies CAN and CANNOT eat.
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Yes. All dogs can safely eat bananas. According to experts, bananas can even be a good thing for a dog to eat.
Bananas are extremely high in many different nutrients including potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin B6.
The only thing to watch here is the peel of the banana. This peel is not toxic to dogs, but it is undigestible.
A dog might very well eat the peel because its taste will be similar to that of the bananas.
Banana peels are great for your garden, but they could block your dog’s intestinal tract if swallowed in large pieces.
Can A French Bulldog Eat Cheese?
Yes. Cheese can make a good dog treat, as dogs tend to like it very much. However, there are some problems with this one.
The first problem is the high-fat content that most cheeses have.
As we already mentioned, French Bulldogs require a lean diet to avoid becoming overly fat. A diet high in cheese would not be consistent with that goal.
Another problem is lactose intolerance. Just as some humans cannot process dairy, some dogs are also born lactose-intolerant.
According to a broad study on animal allergies, it was found that there was no precise percentage for the number of dogs who are lactose-intolerant.
You could simply give your dog a tiny amount of cheese and see how they react, but it would be safer to avoid dairy products.
Can A French Bulldog Eat Apples?
Yes. Contrary to popular belief, dogs are not strict carnivores. They are more like omnivores that prefer meat over vegetables and fruit.
Still, they can eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, including apples.
Veterinarians seem to agree that apples are not only safe for dogs but very healthy.
They contain a lot of vitamin C, vitamin A, plenty of fiber, and a large dose of antioxidants.
As a bonus, vitamin A is beneficial to a dog’s skin and helps maintain a healthy coat, which in turn could lead to a decrease in shedding and fewer skin problems.
Just remember – no apple seeds please!
Can A French Bulldog Eat Chicken?
Yes. Most dogs love chicken, and it is generally safe. There are a few cautions that must nonetheless be given.
Some dogs are allergic to chicken. In fact, poultry allergies are some of the more common allergies for both dogs and cats.
As with any new food, you should start by giving the dog a very small piece and observing for 24 hours.
There are several signs to look for when you do this first test. This article will give you a better idea of what you can expect to see if your dog is allergic to chicken.
As is common knowledge, chicken bones present a serious choking hazard to dogs.
The smaller airways of the French Bulldog make them even more vulnerable to choking hazards.
Thus, you must make sure to remove all bones before giving your dog a piece of chicken.
Can A French Bulldog Eat Celery?
Yes (and no). The answer to this one is both yes and no. Celery is not toxic to dogs, and most experts seem to agree that it is safe.
However, those same experts will often say that a dog should not eat a whole lot of celery.
This is probably because of the high fiber content of celery. This isn’t one to worry too much about, but it isn’t one to give your Frenchie on a daily basis.
Older Frenchies suffering from hip problems (as they often do) can benefit somewhat from the occasional bite of celery, as this vegetable has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.
Can A French Bulldog Eat Shrimp?
It’s not recommended. You would think that this one would be okay because it’s just meat.
Before you reach for that box of frozen shrimp, however, you should think about all the people you have met who were allergic to shellfish. Probably more than one or two, right?
Shellfish allergies are common in dogs as well.
A French Bulldog can quickly choke to death if their airways become constricted, and that is what this type of allergy will often cause.
Here is a list of all foods that are considered shellfish, or which contain shellfish. Avoid these like the plague, as they are not worth the risk.
Can A French Bulldog Eat Popcorn?
Yes. Your dog has probably eaten a few pieces of popcorn that you dropped on the floor (if you eat popcorn, anyway).
You might be relieved to find out that this is perfectly fine. Popcorn has no toxicity to dogs and poses no real health risk.
Just make sure that you do not give your dog any unpopped kernels. Air-popped popcorn is the safest choice by far to avoid any potential choking hazards.
Can A French Bulldog Eat Cantaloupe?
Yes. This fruit is safe for most dogs, and may even have some health benefits.
As you might guess from its sweetness, cantaloupe contains a lot of sugar. This can be a problem for diabetic dogs, but all others should be fine.
Too much sugar can also cause diarrhea, so don’t overdo it. Cantaloupes are high in vitamins and minerals and have almost no fat.
Can A French Bulldog Eat Almonds?
It’s not recommended. This is another food that is not directly toxic but which should still be avoided.
First of all, whole nuts of any sort will present at least some choking hazard. Even if the nuts are ground up, this danger will still be present for the French Bulldog.
There is a bigger issue, however.
Almonds can sometimes harbor small amounts of a mold called Aspergillus. Although this mold poses little danger to humans, it presents a real danger to a dog.
Despite the protein and nutrients that these nuts contain, they present two serious dangers to the life of your dog, and that is two too many.
Can A French Bulldog Eat Avocado?
No. Avocado has become a very trendy food in recent years, mostly because some advocates have touted it as a “superfood.”
It would be outside the scope of this article to fully address these claims, but we do need to determine if this fruit is safe for dogs.
According to all the trustworthy sources that we could find, the answer is a big no.
Avocado contains a substance called persin, and this substance is highly toxic to dogs.
While it does not seem to pose a problem for human digestion, dogs have a hard time processing this food.
Will an avocado kill your dog? Probably not, unless they choke on the pit in the center.
However, this food should always be avoided, as the persin content of this fruit is enough to cause serious digestive issues.
Even books that have touted the benefits of avocado consumption will freely acknowledge that this fruit is toxic to dogs and some other animals as well.
This should be sufficient reason to refrain from giving avocado to your dog.
This 149-page ebook is the ultimate owner’s guide for the breed – packed with tips, tricks, and answers to the most popular and frequently asked questions. Avoid the frustration, lost time, and wasted money that comes with not knowing how to properly and easily care for your Frenchie.
Things A French Bulldog CAN’T Eat
There are a large number of things that dogs are not supposed to eat. If you ask a veterinarian, they will probably give you a long list, like this one.
However, you may not want to read this whole report since it is rather long.
We will attempt to save you some time by giving you a simple checklist that you can hang on the wall or the fridge as a reminder.
Obvious non-food items like alcohol and chewing gum have been omitted.
Foods that you should avoid feeding your French Bulldog include:
- Avocado
- Bones of any type
- Chocolate
- Coffee
- Tea
- Grapes
- Tomatoes
- Potatoes
- Hops
- Nuts of any kind (unless rendered into a paste, like peanut butter)
- Large amounts of dairy products
- Onions, garlic, and chives
- Spinach
- Bread dough
- Salt
Related Questions:
How much water should a French Bulldog drink each day?
There is no one right answer to this question, as it will depend partly on the temperature.
Being a small creature, they don’t require more than a liter or two per day under normal circumstances.
However, since this breed cannot regulate its body heat as effectively as non-pugnosed breeds, you should give them constant access to water, especially on a hot day.
A self-watering device is recommended to make this easier.
Do French Bulldogs choke easily?
Yes. Frenchies have narrow nostrils, narrow nasal passages, and a narrow windpipe. It really doesn’t take a whole lot to obstruct the airway and induce choking.
As such, you should always err on the side of caution and refrain from giving your dog anything on which they might choke.
You should be especially careful of most chew toys for this same reason. (Be sure to check out our list of the top thoroughly reviewed, SAFE dog toys.)
This 12-pack toy bundle contains a huge variety of chews, ropes, squeakers, and balls that are just the right size for French Bulldogs.
There are no tiny plastic parts or flimsy designs to pose a choking hazard – just pure chewing and playing enjoyment!
What is the best food to feed Frenchies?
There are a variety of dog foods on the market that may suit your French Bulldog well. For older, adult Frenchies, Nulo Adult All Natural Dog Food is a popular option.
For puppies, many owners feed their pups Royal Canin Size Health Nutrition Mini Puppy Food.