French Bulldogs are a special breed of dog that, while they may bark, have a unique bark and often tend to use it only if they have something special to say.
So just how much do French Bulldogs bark? Although French Bulldogs do bark, they’re not excessive barkers by any means. They may bark when they’re excited, happy or in alert mode. The French Bulldog’s bark has a unique and often comical sound to it. They’re not constant, ‘yappy barkers’ like many small breeds. When they do start, owners know they have something to say and generally pay attention. A French Bulldog may bark for any number of reasons, including:
- Anxiety
- Pain
- Seeking attention
- Alarm
- Territorial aggression
- Distress
- Genetics
If you’re a potential French Bulldog owner who has never heard this dog bark, you’re in for a treat!
Common Reasons Why They Bark
The French Bulldog generally doesn’t bark as much as most small breed dogs. All dogs bark and, when they do bark, they generally have a reason for barking.
The French Bulldog, despite its usual quiet nature, may also bark when it has something to say.
The French Bulldog has many ways to communicate, and barking may not always be the most common.
When it barks, it’s trying to tell you something. Here are some reasons why your Frenchie might have a reason to bark.
- Anxiety – Your Frenchie may be nervous or anxious about an unfamiliar person or sound.
- Pain – If a normally quiet Frenchie is suddenly barking a lot, he could be in some sort of physical pain. It could be something small like a sliver or a more serious injury.
- Attention – Let’s face it, dogs like attention, and the French Bulldog loves attention. If he’s feeling neglected or lonesome, he might start barking.
- Alarm – Someone knocking at your door might alarm your Frenchie and make him bark.
- Territorial – Like many small dogs, Frenchies are territorial about their food dish and toys. If they see another dog or animal invading “their space”, they will often bark as a warning to the other animal to say away.
- Distress – The Frenchie may also bark if he’s left alone and feeling distressed.
- Genetics – If both parents were consistent barkers, the Frenchie pup may also grow up that way. If his first eight weeks of life were spent around non-stop barkers, this may be something the Frenchie just picks up on and considers normal behavior.
Most French Bulldogs are not constant barkers by nature. If your Frenchie has just recently started barking more, investigate as to what could be causing the change.
This 149-page ebook is the ultimate owner’s guide for the breed – packed with tips, tricks, and answers to the most popular and frequently asked questions. Avoid the frustration, lost time, and wasted money that comes with not knowing how to properly and easily care for your Frenchie.
How Often Frenchies Bark
If you’re in the process of getting a French Bulldog, you may be wondering how often they bark.
Someone living in a small apartment may have concerns about how a barking dog will affect the neighbors.
If there are young children in the home, the owner might not want a barking dog constantly upsetting or waking up children.
Unfortunately, you may not get a concrete answer to how often they bark because each Frenchie is different.
The breed as a whole is not known for being barkers but, they are dogs and dogs bark from time to time.
However, in a survey of French Bulldog owners, 85% stated that their Frenchies did not bark a lot or very often.
You may wonder why, if they’re dogs, they don’t typically bark as much as other dog breeds.
One reason may be because, while they do bark to communicate, they use various other noises to communicate.
Frenchies may not bark a lot, but they are capable of communicating a lot when they feel it’s necessary.
It pays to remember that while French Bulldogs are known for not barking a lot, they are also known for barking only if they have something important to say.
In the case where an owner’s Frenchie is a barker, the dog may be a good candidate for a training program to eliminate or decrease the problem.
What Does Their Bark Sound Like?
A bark is not always a bark, and not all barks were created equal. What does that mean?
It means that even though a French Bulldog may bark it doesn’t mean it’s necessarily going to sound like your typical dog’s bark.
Some Frenchie owners believe that the reason Frenchies don’t bark that often is that they have so many other methods of communication.
Small dog breeds have always been known for the high-pitched squeaky bark.
The French Bulldog is a small-breed dog, so it makes sense that their bark may be similar, yet it’s not a high-pitched sound.
The one area where they are different from other small breeds is in the duration of their barking.
Whereas small breeds like Yorkies or Chihuahuas tend to bark almost non-stop once they get started, French Bulldogs only bark if necessary, and it isn’t non-stop.
The Frenchie’s bark can actually be described in a few different ways.
Although it may sound like a bark at times, it more often sounds almost like a growling or excited yelping.
It’s not unusual for a guest to believe the Frenchie is growling at them when they’re actually showing their excitement at having a guest.
It’s the Frenchie’s way of talking or yelping. A dead giveaway is that the Frenchie’s tail is usually wagging happily when he’s doing his “growling.”
French Bulldogs are infamous for the various funny sounds that come out of their mouths.
French Bulldog Barking Sounds And Noises
Tips to Stop or Reduce Barking
Many people wonder why a dog owner would want to stop a dog from barking. After all, dogs are meant to bark.
However, occasionally a dog will be a non-stop barker, which can be not only annoying but also disruptive behavior in the home and the neighborhood.
There are ways you may be able to stop or reduce the French Bulldog’s barking. Here are some tips.
- Exercise and Stimulation – One major cause of barking can be lack of exercise and boredom. Make sure your pup has not been cooped up too long and isn’t attention-starved.
- Stay Calm and Don’t Yell –Make sure you are a calming influence on your dog. If you’re yelling at her to stop all the time it’s sending the wrong signals.
- Ignore the dog – Many times the French Bulldog is barking because he wants your attention. When he gets your attention, even if it’s to be told to be quiet, he’s been successful. He will continue to bark for attention.
- Barking collar – Barking collars (like these ones) have been successful in decreasing or stopping needless barking. The battery-operated collar will trigger a vibration or light shock every time the dog barks. The downside is that dogs become “collar smart” and realize they only have to not bark if they’re wearing the collar. Unless you want the collar on 24/7, you’ll still be dealing with needless barking.
- Training – You can teach your French Bulldog how to be quiet on command. Unfortunately, the quiet command can’t really be taught until the dog knows the “speak” command. When the dog stops barking, he gets clicked, praised and/or a treat.
- Be consistent – One of the most important things in any training is consistency. If you allow your Frenchie to bark under a certain circumstance one day and correct him the next day, you’ll have a confused dog. Decide when you feel his barking is warranted and when you want him to stay quiet, and stick with it.
- Eliminate situations – Sometimes the Frenchie will bark at a certain item, such as a neighbor’s cat. It may just be easier to keep the dog away from the cat or whatever the situation may be.
Related Questions:
How do I teach my French Bulldog to speak?
This trick is easiest taught with a clicker and some treats.
First, you have to find out what makes your Frenchie bark. If it’s someone knocking on your door, ask a friend or family member to knock on your door.
As soon as the dog barks, hit the clicker.
Make sure you’re clicking it while he’s barking not after. As soon as you’ve clicked, give the dog a treat.
Once he gets accustomed to the bark getting him a treat, you’re ready to teach him to “speak” on command.
Just before he begins barking, say “speak,” and give him a treat immediately after he “speaks.” Eventually, he will understand that speak means to bark.
Why is my French Bulldog growling?
French Bulldogs are generally loving dogs with sweet personalities, so if they’re growling, something is wrong in their world.
Once you’ve ruled out a health issue, try to see what initiated the growling.
Is there another animal in sight? Is another animal by his food dish? Many things can cause growling.
Just be sure that what you think is growling is actually growling and not just one of the many noises they make.
Do French Bulldogs snore?
Yes, French Bulldogs snore and this is usually due to their flat faces and breathing difficulties that stem from their flat faces.
In Summary
French Bulldogs are a special breed of dog who make ideal pets because of their intelligence, loyalty, playfulness, and ability to communicate without constantly barking.
Their sensitivity and sense of perception is apparent in how they use their bark to alert owners of something important.
Be sure to check out all of our other Frenchie articles to learn more about this delightful breed! Click here to access them all.