When Is a Mini Cavapoo Full Grown? (2024)

If you are about to adopt a Mini Cavapoo puppy, congratulations! You are entering into a world of fun. Mini Cavapoos are loyal, friendly, lovable dogs that make great family pets.

However, you probably have some questions. One of these questions might be, “when is my Mini Cavapoo full grown?” or “when is my F1 Cavapoo full grown?”

The Mini Cavapoo is a small-to-medium breed. Small dog breeds typically reach their adult weight more quickly than larger breeds. The Mini Cavapoo reaches its adult weight around eight months. 

A full-grown Mini Cavapoo weighs between 13-25 lbs. A Teacup Cavapoo, full grown, is on the lower end of the scale, while a Miniature Cavapoo, full grown, is on the upper end.

In this article, we’ll answer the question “when is a Miniature Cavapoo full grown?” and give you some advice about how to care for your growing Mini Cavapoo puppy.

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The Mini Cavapoo Breed


The mini Cavapoo breed comes from breeding a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a miniature poodle. Both parent breeds are small and reach their full growth potential early. 

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel reaches its full size (12-13 inches and 13-18 pounds) within twelve months. Meanwhile, the miniature poodle arrives at its full size (10-15 inches and 10-15 pounds) when it’s between six and seven months old.

Since both mini Cavapoo parent breeds reach their full size within six to twelve months, it’s not surprising that F1 mini Cavapoos arrive at full size (12-16 inches and 10-18 pounds) within twelve months. Interestingly, this amount of time also corresponds with the time it takes to get a larger F1 Cavapoo full grown.  

Because the Cavapoo is a smaller dog breed, it will reach its full size more quickly than larger breeds. However, it ultimately depends on how large the parents are on how quickly an individual dog will become fully grown.  

For example, A toy Cavapoo full grown reaches its adult size between 7.5 and 11 months because its toy poodle parent is even smaller (<10 inches and 4-6 pounds) than a miniature poodle. A teacup Cavapoo full grown may reach adult size even earlier because breeders use the tiniest toy poodles and the smallest King Charles for parents.  

Similarly, an F1 miniature poodle will reach its maximum height and weight faster if it has parents at the smaller end of the size range. Breeders trying for smaller dogs often end up breeding two of their smallest Cavapoos, resulting in their offspring sometimes being smaller and reaching full size sooner.

The Mini Cavapoo Developmental Stages


Physical growth and weight gain are easy to observe in Cavapoos. During the developmental process, dogs also experience behavioral changes. While growing into adults, they pass through several critical socialization windows and transitional phases.

The exact date for having a mini Cavapoo full grown entirely depends on the dog’s ultimate size, which is predictable based on parental size but still unknown. So, if your dog reaches milestones at different times than expected, there’s no need for concern.

Keep in mind that physical maturity is not the same as behavioral maturity. While you may physically have a full-grown mini Cavapoo within a year, it may not be full-grown behaviorally until it’s four years old. So, you can still expect some adolescent behaviors while it’s reaching mental maturity.

Let’s look more closely at the six developmental stages that happen on the way to having a full-grown miniature Cavapoo. During the fifth stage (the adolescent stage), it will be full-grown physically. And by the end of the sixth stage (the young adult stage), it will be full-grown behaviorally.

Stage One: Neonatal Period (Week 0-2)

The neonatal period happens at the very beginning of a puppy’s life. They grow extremely quickly during the neonatal phase and the following weeks. The neonatal period only lasts through its first two weeks.

When they are born, Cavapoo puppies weigh between four and seven ounces. By the time they finish the neonatal period, they will weigh between seven ounces and one pound.

During the neonatal period, the Cavapoo puppy will do nothing but eat and sleep. The puppy is dependent on its mother for care. Instinct drives them to seek out their mother and feed themselves.

Stage Two: Transitional Period (Week 2-4)

The puppy will start its transitional period during week two. This stage lasts about two weeks and ends somewhere around its fourth week of life.

The puppy enters the transitional period weighing anywhere from seven ounces to one pound. However, by the time it finishes the transitional period, it will weigh two pounds. 

During the transitional period, the puppy will begin to move around more on its own. The puppy’s eyes open, and it will start to interact with its littermates. It is also when you will first notice differences in the puppies’ personalities and energy levels. 

Stage Three: Socialization Period (Week 3-12)

The socialization period is one of the most important developmental stages. This phase starts between weeks three and six and lasts from six to eight weeks, so possibly through week 12. 

During the socialization period, your mini Cavapoo will grow about a pound a month:

  • 1 month old: 2 pounds
  • 2 months old: 3 pounds
  • 3 months old: 4 pounds

During this stage, the puppy will become aware of the world and its surroundings. It will learn whether or not to fear things and begins to interact with humans. The mini Cavapoo puppy will also become more curious and energetic during this time. If you have not already seen your puppy’s personality shining through, you will see it now. The socialization period is also a good time to start housebreaking your puppy and doing basic training.

Stage Three: Socialization Period (Week 3-12)


The socialization period is one of the most important developmental stages. This phase starts between weeks three and six and lasts from six to eight weeks, so possibly through week 12. 

During the socialization period, your mini Cavapoo will grow about a pound a month:

  • 1 month old: 2 pounds
  • 2 months old: 3 pounds
  • 3 months old: 4 pounds

During this stage, the puppy will become aware of the world and its surroundings. It will learn whether or not to fear things and begins to interact with humans. The mini Cavapoo puppy will also become more curious and energetic during this time. If you have not already seen your puppy’s personality shining through, you will see it now. The socialization period is also a good time to start housebreaking your puppy and doing basic training.

Stage Four: Testing Period (Month 3-6)

The next stage of development is the testing period, which starts the most difficult period of a puppy’s life. This stage occurs when the mini Cavapoo puppy is between three and six months old. 

There’s a big growth spurt between the fifth and sixth months, so by the time your pup reaches the end of the testing period, it will be about 50% of its full size. During this period, you can expect the following growth:

  • 3 months: 4 pounds
  • 4 months: 6 pounds
  • 5 months: 7 pounds
  • 6 months: 9 pounds 

During the testing period, the puppy will start “testing” boundaries and figuring out where it belongs in the social hierarchy. The puppy may challenge your authority, challenge older dogs and other animals in the house, and misbehave. 

Stage Five: Adolescence (Month 6-12)

Adolescence is the toughest stage for most puppy owners. It starts around month size and lasts through month twelve, when you will find your miniature full grown in size.

By age seven months, the puppy will be about 75% of its adult weight and 90% of its adult height. Several big growth spurts will help your dog reach 100% of its full-grown weight by the end of its first year. Here’s what you should expect in terms of physical growth between months six and twelve:

  • 6 months: 9 pounds
  • 7 months: 11 pounds
  • 8 months: 12.5 pounds
  • 9 months: 13 pounds
  • 10 months: 14 pounds
  • 11 months: 16 pounds
  • 12 months: 18 pounds

Just like human children, adolescent puppies often act out. If you have already done basic training and housebreaking, the puppy may “forget” things it has already learned. It may also chew, become destructive, or run away. Undesirable behavior is sometimes more common in unneutered male dogs and can often be curbed by neutering around eight months.

Stage Six: Young Adult (Year 1-4)

Being full-grown physically doesn’t mean that your Cavapoo puppy is full-grown in terms of behavior. As the puppy enters its young adult stage, it will continue to mature behaviorally for the next few years. Most dogs are not considered true “adults” until they are about four years old.

When the puppy enters its adult phase, you will notice that its energy level will drop, and the dog will begin to “mellow out.” It’s only when the dog enters its adult phase that it’s full-grown mentally. 

How To Care for a Growing Mini Cavapoo Puppy


A growing Cavapoo puppy has specific needs that must be met for the puppy to grow up healthy and strong. A careful balance of proper nutrition and the right amount of exercise should be achieved to support your puppy’s growth. 


The cornerstone of your puppy’s development is high-quality dog food. Talk to your vet about what type of food to feed your puppy and how much you should be feeding.

Your vet is the best resource for all questions about health and nutrition. Feed your dog food that meets AAFCO standards.

Vitamins and other additional supplements are not necessary unless recommended by your vet. High-quality food and adequate hydration are all your puppy needs.

Try not to give your puppy too many treats, human food, or foods high in fat or carbohydrates. Reserve treats for training only.


Exercise is important for dogs at all stages of their life but especially important for puppies.

Exercise not only keeps a puppy in good physical condition, but also teaches social skills, supports healthy mental development, and teaches your puppy to self-soothe.

Take care, however, that you don’t injure your puppy by over-exercising them. Too much exercise, too soon, can damage a puppy’s joints and ligaments and lead to problems later on down the road.

Joint problems are more common in large dogs because they have larger bones and take longer to grow. 

However, over-exercise is also a concern for small dog owners. Most vets recommend that you don’t throw strenuous activities at your puppy (i.e. long runs, bike rides, hikes, etc.) until it is over a year old and has finished its physical growth.

Conclusion For “When Is a Mini Cavapoo Full Grown”


You will have a full grown miniature Cavapoo when the dog is about one year old. Most Cavapoos reach their adult height around eight months but will continue to gain weight until twelve months.

An adult Cavapoo can weigh anywhere from nine to twenty-five pounds, depending on the breeds and sizes of its parents.

Talk to your vet for nutrition advice, and get regular check-ups while your puppy is growing. Try to keep the three pillars of development (nutrition, exercise, socialization) in balance while your puppy grows.

If you do everything right, your puppy will grow into a confident, healthy dog who will reward you with many years of friendship.

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