There are some Malinois dogs that have long coats. The process of getting long-haired Belgian Malinois isn’t as simple as it seems.
We need to look into the breed’s history in order to solve this mystery and determine why and if some of these dogs have long coats.
In Western Europe, farmers and shepherds have used herding dogs for centuries without paying attention to their form.
In addition to the Belgian Shepherd (also known as the Chien de Berger Belge or Swiss Sheepdog), they were the ancestors of the German Shepherd, the Dutch Shepherd, and the Bouvier des Ardennes.
Standardizing breeds and preserving their characteristics was a priority in most regions. During the 19th century, the Belgian Shepherd almost became extinct due to a lack of awareness.
The Club de Chien Berger Belge was founded in 1891 by Professor Adolphe Reul as a rescue society for Belgian Shepherds. However, he found that coat colors and sizes varied widely.
The breed was defined and set standards using different breeding programs for around 60 years. Although they were considered a single breed, nobody could agree on the number of types. There are two types, according to some, and eight according to others.
Breeders were forced to allow interbreeding between types in the two world wars, which was previously prohibited by the Club de Chien Berger Belge, because the two world wars interrupted breeding programs.
The Belgian Shepherd breed standard wasn’t established until 1956, when there were four distinct types.
Belgian herding and working dog breeds are closely related and there can be some crossover between them. A Belgian Malinois with long hair can be considered a Belgian Malinois, but its breed name may be disputed.
Breeders tend to look more at coat color than other appearance traits when trying to identify which of the four dog breeds a puppy belongs to.
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Table of Contents
Which Types Of Belgian Malinois Have Long Hair?
An abundant supply of long, straight, and well-fitting guard hairs must be found on the coat. Medium harshness should be achieved with the texture.
A dense undercoat is recommended, taking into account the climate conditions, however. A person’s head, outside of the ears, and lower legs have shorter hair.
During the course of the day, hair tufts protect the opening of the ear. Hair should be long and abundant around the neck, on the forearms, on the hindquarters, and on the tail.
A collarette should be tied around the neck, a fringe along the back of the forearm, and the breeches should be formed.
Belgian Tervuren
Known as Tervuren, this breed is fawn-colored and long-haired. There is a wide range of colors available for Belgian Tervuren dogs, from rich fawn to russet mahogany to distinctive grey with black markings.
The hair tips are blackened, giving the coat a characteristic double pigmentation. It is most noticeable in mature males on their shoulders, backs, and rib cages. Grey and black colors combine on the chest.
Its face is covered with a black mask and its ears are black in most cases. There is a light beige or grey color on the dog’s underparts, tail, and breeches. Breasts and necks may have a small white patch, but should not reach the shoulders.
It is normal to see frost on the muzzle or chin. There is a serious problem with the Tervuren when a color is either too light or too dark. Tervuren is the name given to this variety.
A foundation sire of the Groenendael variety was used initially to breed this variety in Tervuren. The shoulder measurement of a Tervuren is between 22 and 26 inches, and they weigh between 45 and 75 pounds.
If you look at the German Shepherd dog’s face, the Belgian Tervuren actually looks much like it.
There is a distinctive ruff or “collarette” around the neckline area of these dogs, and they have long lush coats. There is usually more than one color in the coat, and it is double-layered.
Belgian Groenendael
Known as Groenendael, this black breed has long hair. A Belgian Groenendael dog should be completely black or have a limited amount of white in the following areas: the chest, hind toes, chin, and muzzle, as well as frost on the chin and muzzle.
In Groenendaels, white tips on the toes are acceptable but are a fault.
Also called the Belgian Shepherd or the Belgian Sheepdog, the Belgian Groenendael is one of the oldest breeds of dogs in Belgium.
The dog has a very long, lush, double-layered coat that is beautiful to see. The colors of the coat tend towards brown or black, although silver and fawn can also be seen occasionally.
The Groenendael has a solid black, smooth double coat, often mistaken for a black, long-haired German Shepherd.
In central Belgium, Nicholas Rose is credited with creating Château de Groenendael, which is named after the house. Between 65 and 75 pounds and 22 to 26 inches at the shoulder, these dogs usually weigh between 65 and 75 pounds.
How to Take Care of a Belgian Malinois Long Hair Dog
Working dogs like the Belgian Malinois make great family dogs. The dogs have a true working dog coat with a double layer and sheds throughout the year and season.
Skin is kept warm and dry by the thick, soft, insulating outer layer (closest to the skin). As a result of the coarse outer layer, the dog’s body is protected from rain, ice, and snow.
Working dogs should never have their coats shaved. Because of the special properties of their coat, Belgian Malinois are capable of doing intense, difficult workouts in the elements.
Therefore, the most important thing you need to know when caring for a working dog is that you shouldn’t shave it ever. In spite of the fact that you may think it will keep your dog cooler in summer or help prevent shedding, this is incorrect.
Shaved coats are more efficient in regulating temperature than long coats. The dog’s coat keeps moisture away from his skin by wicking away moisture.
Keeping your dog’s skin protected from the sun also helps prevent sunburns. You will never be able to re-grow the coat the same way after shaving it. A dog’s coat will lose its protective properties as the two layers intermingle as it grows back.
A long-haired Belgian Malinois dog sheds regularly year-round, so you should be aware of this upfront. In addition, every one or two years, your dog will experience a “coat blow” when the season changes.
It’s easy to recognize a coat blow if you have never experienced one. A dustpan, broom, and vacuum cleaner should be close by as the undercoat sheds abundantly in clumps.
It is best to brush and rake your Belgian Malinois every day in order to prevent coat blow. You can prevent dead hair from falling onto the floor by using a deshedding rake tool.
Tips For Grooming Long-Haired Malinois
Your Belgian Malinois’ coat will depend on the length and density of its hair, whether it is long hair, medium hair, short hair, or rough hair.
Two to three times a week, Belgian Malinois should be brushed. It is recommended that these dogs be brushed regularly because their double coats shed a significant amount most of the time (and more heavily during the shedding season).
Belgian Malinois hair is thick and stiff, which is why a pin brush is the best brush for them.
With a spray bottle sprayed with water mist, wet the coat, then brush it carefully, moving the brush in the direction of hair growth.
Brushing is required frequently, if not daily, during the spring and fall shedding seasons. The use of deshedding tools may also be helpful to owners during these periods (and occasionally throughout the year) to collect dead hair.
It is only necessary to bathe Belgian Malinois occasionally or when their fur has become dirty or stinky.
Try brushing out knots or tangles before bathing your malinois, as this will help release dirt clumps that may be hidden in the tangles. Using a garden hose and a bathtub are great options for bathing.
Grooming your dog involves giving him a bath. It’s important to shampoo, rinse, and clean your dog’s coat to keep it looking clean and smelling fresh.
Additionally, you can check your furry friend’s health and make sure they don’t have ticks, fleas, or other pests by doing this.
Use canine shampoo to prevent irritability, as human shampoo can aggravate your dog’s skin.
Then rinse well, towel dry, and brush through the coat again to make it look neat and clean. Make sure you “knead” the shampoo into the Belgian’s dense undercoat well.
For a clean and healthy coat and fur, it is important to use high-quality shampoo. Your dog may also benefit from a shampoo that has been specially formulated to treat any skin conditions.
These shampoos may contain antifungal, antibacterial, anti-dandruff, anti-itch, or rehydrating ingredients. Your pet’s specific needs, your preferred scent, and your price range will all play a role in deciding the right shampoo for you.
Ensure your dog’s fur is thoroughly cleaned and soaked when he’s in the bath. Once your dog’s fur has been cleaned by the shampoo, rinse it off thoroughly and dry it. If your dog is hesitant about bath time, this could be a good time to give him a treat.
Grooming Tools
You can make a difference in your dog’s coat by using the right tools and devices. The best hair clipper for a long-haired dog may be a professional-grade one.
It is always a good idea to browse around the web, read reviews, and ask other dog owners for advice on finding a clipper that will suit the needs and hairstyle of your dog. If you need help choosing a clipper, you can also consult with a professional groomer.
The grooming process can also be completed with scissors. You should invest in the best dog grooming scissors you can afford if you want to make the process as stress-free as possible.
After the initial trimming, scissors can come in handy because they make short work of the whole process. You can shorten or lengthen some sections of your dog’s coat by using scissors, which will enable you to fine-tune his appearance.
Consider A Professional Groomer
The truth is we are not all comfortable grooming our furry friends at home, even though we would like to. When it comes to your dog’s more intricate grooming needs, there is nothing wrong with hiring a professional groomer.
Many owners prefer to brush and bathe their dogs at home but hire a professional to trim their dogs’ fur. If you would like to use a professional, you are welcome to do so! Find a good one near you by asking around among your friends and fellow dog owners.
Malinois that have long hair can require more grooming and shed more than those that have short hair. They do have a beautiful and unique look, and many people prefer them for this look.
If you are planning to get a long-haired malinois, make sure you understand the requirements for them and are able to provide proper care.
If you think long hair may require too much time and maintenance, it may be a better option to choose a malinois with shorter hair.
No matter what type of coat your dog has, be sure to socialize it, train it, and give it plenty of love so it will grow up to be affectionate and loyal
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For more information about the Belgian Malinois Breed, check out the video below: