How to Train a Bernedoodle? Top Tips And Advice! (2024)


Dog lovers looking to add a new pet to their home may question how challenging training a Bernedoodle will be for them. However, the overall intelligence and training ability can help many pet owners decide if this hybrid dog breed is right for them. 

When training a Bernedoodle, it is essential to know its strengths and weaknesses. The characteristics and attributes of your dog can provide insight into which training methods and strategies will be effective and successful. 

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The Challenges of Bernedoodle Training 


Hybrid dog breeds, like the Bernedoodle, are becoming more popular as more pet owners seek out family-friendly dogs that are low-shedding. This type of dog can come in various colors, patterns, and sizes, each more unique than litters before. 

Although they are intelligent dogs, the Bernedoodle is not without its challenges regarding training and obedience. As a result, some pet owners will find specific struggles with their new Bernedoodle puppy once they bring it home. 

The characteristics of the parents of a Bernedoodle will play a significant role in the puppy’s disposition and personality.

For example, Poodles are a high-energy breed devoted to their owners, while Bernese Mountain dogs have a calming nature but prefer to keep busy by working on a task, like protecting their yard and home. 

Anytime two dog breeds cross, there can be challenges. Hybrid breeding is not an exact science, so many breeders will not always have a precise idea of a puppy’s personality until after it is born. 

Some challenges of training Bernedoodles can be:  

  • Stubbornness 
  • Easily distracted 
  • Exhibit sensitivity 


Poodles and Bernese Mountain dogs are highly intelligent animals, making the Bernedoodle a smart hybrid breed. However, even intelligent dogs can be stubborn when going through training. 

These dogs may push the boundaries to see what they can get away with before receiving a correction from their owners.

Unfortunately, this stubborn streak can also appear often if you are inconsistent with their training or if multiple household members use different training techniques. 

Easily Distracted 

High-energy dogs can appear easily distracted, especially during training. Bernedoodle puppies have exceptionally short attention spans, making it more challenging to train for long periods. 

Breaking down your pet’s training into multiple daily sessions can be more effective than long stretches.

For example, although you may have the extra time to spend on obedience in the evening, your pup’s attention may waver after ten minutes, making any additional time you spend less effective. 

Exhibit Sensitivity

Poodles and Bernese Mountain dogs are incredibly social animals and love to please their owners.

Although this characteristic can be an advantage for training methods, if you are prone to scolding or using punishment, your pet may exhibit sensitivity and retreat from you, hindering your training efforts. 

Using proper methods and techniques when teaching your dog how to behave is critical, especially for sensitive Bernedoodles that may cower if you raise your voice or make threatening movements. 

How To Train a Bernedoodle the Right Way 


The most important thing to remember when training a Bernedoodle is that each dog is unique and can take anywhere from four to six months to adapt to your obedience commands.

Of course, some ways will help make your methods easier for them to understand and follow. 

Some tips for Bernedoodle training include: 

  • Start training as soon as you bring home your new pet
  • Be consistent with commands
  • Use positive reinforcement 
  • Enlist in short spurts of training, multiple times a day
  • Ensure your pet receives enough physical and mental stimulation 

By recognizing some simple tricks, pet owners may have an easier time getting their dogs to follow commands and learn desirable behaviors. 

How To House Train a Bernedoodle 

Many dog owners will want to begin house training as soon as they bring home their new Bernedoodle puppy. No one wants to clean up messes that a dog leaves in the house, so having your new pet house trained is vital for sanitary living conditions. 

Puppies typically eliminate urine approximately every 15 to 20 minutes because of their small, immature bladders. On average, a Bernedoodle puppy will have a bowel movement 20 to 30 minutes after eating a meal and after exercising. 

One of the best ways to have a headstart on practical house training is to minimize the instances your pup will pee or poop inside. 

The best way to house train your Bernedoodle puppy is by following these steps: 

  1. As soon as you wake up, take your dog outside for a chance to go to the bathroom. 
  2. Provide your pet with water and food for the morning, then set a timer for 10 to 15 minutes for the next outside potty break. 
  3. Approximately 20 minutes after your dog’s first meal, take them outside for a walk to eliminate their bowels. 
  4. Follow a strict 15 to 20-minute schedule for potty breaks throughout the day. In addition, watch for potential cues your pup needs to go, including excessive sniffing or circling in the house. This way, your Bernedoodle has a better chance of going outside than indoors. 
  5. You should remove any water source from your new puppy in the early evening. This schedule will give them enough time to eliminate their bladders before bedtime and reduce nighttime accidents in the house. 
  6. Each time your pet successfully goes to the bathroom outside, reward them with treats and praise to provide positive reinforcement for good behavior. 

If your new puppy has an accident indoors, refrain from punishing them. Tell your dog a stern, No, then pick them up and take them outside.

Do not make a big production of any accidents indoors as this gives the dog attention, and they may interpret it as a way to get recognition from you. Avoid eye contact during this time, and clean up their mess quickly. 

How To Leash Train a Bernedoodle 


The next phase of training a Bernedoodle will be ensuring that you can take them out for a walk on a leash. Because Bernedoodles are moderately active breeds, they require one to three daily walks ranging from 30 to 60 minutes or more.

Nothing is more frustrating than a dog that pulls constantly or gets tangled up in their lead with you or other dogs. 

Showing your new Bernedoodle puppy how to walk on a leash will give them the structure they need each time they leave the house for daily walks. In addition, proper leash training will come in handy when meeting new people and unfamiliar dogs. 

Leash training should regularly occur in your home with your new Bernedoodle as they mature and settle into their new family. The best way to leash train your pet will incorporate these steps: 

  1. Always make leash training a positive activity, so your pet associates its walks with a pleasant experience rather than punishment. Remember to bring high-value treats to reward your dog as you go through the training process with them. 
  2. Some dog owners find it easier to leash train their Bernedoodle using a harness rather than a collar. You can try both methods to see which works best for you and your pet. However, using a harness can minimize pulling or accidental harm from sharp jerks on a collar if your pet suddenly tries to run or pulls too hard. 
  3. Keep the leash in both hands with one hand at your hip, providing only enough leash to reach your dog comfortably. Do not allow excessive leash distance where they can roam far from you or tangle up during the walk. 
  4. Ensure your dog always stays by your side while consistently providing positive feedback and treats to them as they walk beside you. Give your dog lots of eye contact and verbal praise during good leash walking behavior. 

If your Bernedoodle puppy tries to pull aggressively or tries to wander away, immediately stop walking.

By restricting the ability to stray from your side, your pup will soon learn that the walking stops if they are not beside you and paying attention to your cues. 

Some dog owners find that the short attention span of Bernedoodle puppies can work in their favor during leash training. For example, if your new pet suddenly wants to run off during a walk because it spotted a cat, you can use redirection instead. 

Rather than stopping and waiting for your dog to look for obedience cues, try switching directions and removing your pet from the area of distraction. This change of scenery may be all your dog needs to reengage into their positive walking behavior. 

How To Eliminate Nipping or Biting

One common occurrence with Bernedoodle puppies is their constant need to mouth, nip, or bite people, other animals, and objects in their surroundings.

Puppies are baby dogs that use their nose and mouth to explore the world around them, making nipping or biting an instinctual behavior. 

Suppose your Bernedoodle puppy does not receive the proper training that discourages nipping or biting early. In that case, it may grow to continue this negative action into adulthood and unknowingly cause harm to people or other animals. 

Training a Bernedoodle to stop nipping or biting is simple once you recognize some tips to use, including: 

  1. As soon as your pet mouths your hand, fingers, leg, etc., give them a swift and stern no command, then provide them with a suitable chew toy that they can bite and mouth. 
  2. If you catch your puppy chewing on off-limits items, like shoes or furniture, immediately intervene with a swift no command, remove them from the area and provide an appropriate chew toy to resume their chewing behavior.  
  3. Offer your Bernedoodle toys that allow treats inside to promote chewing and grab their interest more than your hands or personal items. This way, your dog will want to chew on toys that provide them with treats and reinforce good behaviors. 
  4. Suppose redirection does not work with your puppy. In that case, some dog owners find that avoiding eye contact and immediately leaving their pet is an effective way to get the message across after biting. If you leave the room every time your dog nips at your fingers, they will soon realize that this behavior sends you away, which does not give them the attention they seek. 

Remember to never bite or strike your Bernedoodle puppy as punishment for nipping or biting you. Your pet might be trying to get your attention, may smell food on your fingers, or is not aware that this is negative behavior. 

Conclusion For “How to Train a Bernedoodle


Properly training a Bernedoodle can be a positive experience for you and your new pet when done correctly.

By following these tips, remembering to use positive reinforcement, and being consistent, your new dog will quickly learn their boundaries and what behaviors are acceptable in your home. 

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For more information about the Bernedoodle Training, check out the video below: