Do Goldendoodles Shed? No Way! Or Do They? The Facts Revealed! (2024)

Do Goldendoodles Shed?

Goldendoodles are relatively new designer dogs who have only been intensively bred since the 1990s.

Combining Golden Retrievers and Poodles has proved successful in producing dogs with gentle, even temperaments; obedient natures; and playful, loving personalities.

Another trait that really attracts people to the Goldendoodle is that amazingly beautiful coat of theirs.

But there’s much more to it than just the appearance and endless ways they can be trimmed and groomed.

Do Goldendoodles shed? Goldendoodles are a low-shed to no-shed breed. Factors that influence shedding severity include DNA, generation, and the sire (dad) and dam (mom) they’re bred from. Most owners note that regular grooming can minimize the amount of shed greatly.

Because the Goldendoodle is a crossbreed, there are more genetic factors at work that can produce a wide degree of variance from dog to dog.

Good news! Experienced breeders can fairly accurately predict how much a litter of puppies will shed.

You just need to arm yourself with some information and common lingo so you know what to look for when finding the perfect Goldendoodle for you. We’ll be explaining what ‘Generations’ are and how they impact shedding, puppies losing their coats, how you can nearly eliminate shedding through a good grooming routine, and real Goldendoodle owners share their shedding experiences!

Looking for a comprehensive Goldendoodle guidebook that covers everything from finding the perfect puppy to reward-based training to maintaining that beautiful coat? 

Our latest book, The Owner’s Guide to the Perfect Goldendoodle, covers all that and much more.

With more than 75 pages packed with facts and practical advice, all your questions will be answered, all in one place. It will be the only Goldendoodle resource you’ll need.

Pick up your copy today to ensure you and your puppy get off to the best possible start.

Do Goldendoodles Shed A Lot?

Some Goldendoodles will shed nearly as much as a Golden Retriever, while others will be more like a Poodle and shed very little.

There is a genetic lottery, so to speak, at play within each litter of Goldendoodles, and consequently, many outcomes are possible.

Generally, the curlier and more Poodle-like a Goldendoodle’s coat is, the lower the shedding amount will be.

Goldendoodles with wavy coats usually shed slightly more than curly-coated dogs. Those with a straight coat will be moderate shedders, and those with an improper coat will shed heavily.

The generation of a Goldendoodle will also influence shedding tendencies. Let’s quickly clarify some terms that are associated with generations.

  • F1 – the result of breeding a Golden Retriever to a Poodle
  • F2 – the result of breeding two F1 Goldendoodles
  • F1B – the result of breeding an F1 Goldendoodle to a Poodle
  • F2B – the result of breeding an F2 Goldendoodle to a Poodle
  • F3 multigen – refers to breeding beyond F2

A Goldendoodle’s generation greatly influences how much of a shedder he will be.

Different generations have varying concentrations of genes from the original breeds, the Golden Retriever and Poodle. For example, an F1B dog has 75% Poodle and 25% Golden Retriever.

In 2016, scientists were able to identify the two genes that influence shedding, and a way of measuring a dog’s potential for shedding, the “shedding index,” was formed.

Breeders can now test their dogs before breeding to determine the shedding probability of the planned litter.

A Goldendoodle’s parents, of course, also play a role in the shedding outcome of the litter.

It would be nice to say that a Golden Retriever and Poodle will produce a litter in which half take after the mom and half are more like the father.

In reality, the genetics involved are complex, and a 50/50 litter is highly unlikely. Rather, each of the resulting puppies will likely have differing degrees of shedding.

You see, genes can express themselves differently in each puppy of the litter, and to complicate things even more, some low-shedding parents can carry a recessive shedding gene which means that their pups might shed.

Complex enough for you? Ah, the world of genetics.

Why Does My Goldendoodle Shed So Much?

Heavy shedding in a Goldendoodle could be caused by several factors. Dogs with an improper coat will closely resemble a Golden Retriever and will shed heavily.

It is possible that your dog is experiencing a seasonal shed which takes place in the spring and sometimes again in the fall.

Your dog may be an F1 or F2 generation Goldendoodle which are usually less predictable in terms of shedding, with many dogs winding up with a high shedding index.

F3 generation dogs are often moderate shedders as well.

Which Generation Goldendoodle Is Best for Shedding?

If a low-shedding Goldendoodle is your heart’s desire, your best bet will be an F1B generation dog. These tend to have the lowest shedding amounts.

The next best option would be an F2B as they are usually light shedders.

Although you may get lucky with an F1 or F2, they are unpredictable for shedding, and it would be a gamble unless the puppies have had DNA testing.

There is so much to learn about Goldendoodles! Be sure to head over to our Goldendoodle page to access more than 30 articles all about these amazing dogs.

Do Goldendoodles Shed More As Puppies?

Many owners report that their Goldendoodle puppies shed less as puppies. However, unusual levels of stress can trigger spontaneous shedding.

This often occurs when puppies are first brought home. After all, it is terribly stressful to leave behind your family and first home to start a new life with your forever family.

There are some puppies who will shed throughout puppyhood. These are the ones who will likely be big shedders as adults, although this isn’t always the case.

Goldendoodles are constantly full of surprises!

Puppy Coat – Does It Change? Do They Blow Their Coat?

A puppy starts out in life with a soft, fluffy, single coat. This first coat is not necessarily a good indicator of what the dog will look like as an adult.

As the dog matures, the coat will often become darker, stiffer, and thicker.

(Yes, coats sometimes darken with age. Learn about Goldendoodle colors and whether or not your Doodle’s color will change over time in this article.)

Goldendoodles will shed their puppy coat between the ages of 6 – 10 months old. This is completely normal and is not cause for alarm.

Some Goldendoodles may take as long as an entire year to fully develop their mature coat.

Because Goldendoodles typically shed less than other breeds, owners should pay particularly close attention to grooming as the adult coat begins to come in (our Goldendoodle Grooming Guide shows you how).

The puppy coat will shed but often remains trapped beneath other hairs, becoming tangled into mats, especially as the adult coat emerges.

Brush diligently to prevent a “hairy situation” from developing.

Will My Goldendoodle Stop Shedding?

If your Goldendoodle is undergoing a seasonal shed, then yes, there is an end in sight. If there is a health issue causing the shedding, then your veterinarian may be able to correct the problem.

However, if genetics are the reason for the shedding, then chances are that your dog will be a lifelong shedder.

Some Goldendoodle owners report that shedding did indeed diminish after their dog received their first professional haircut.

Just remember that all dogs do shed to some extent, so shedding will never completely stop, regardless of the breed.

How Can I Reduce My Goldendoodle’s Shedding?

While there are no magic spells to totally eliminate shedding, there are some proactive strategies that can be put to use to reduce the amount of shedding.

Thoroughly brushing your Goldendoodle every day with a slicker brush will help tremendously. Brushing removes shed hair from the coat and can help remove dander trapped beneath the coat.

For my own Doodle dogs, I’ve found this brush to be the best. It’s just perfect for everyday use, and with a simple press of a button, all collected hair is released.

My dogs and I appreciate how gentle, yet effective, it is. I wouldn’t want to do without it.

Hertzko Dog & Cat Brush, Dog Brush for Shedding,...

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Keeping your Goldendoodle’s coat neatly clipped can make brushing easier, faster, and more effective in removing shed hair.

Some owners claim that a pH-balanced, shedding control shampoo works wonders.

Following a shampoo (or even before each brushing), a good detangling product applied to the coat can significantly help to loosen knots and make brushing more effective.

Personally, I use Cowboy Magic Detangler and Shine. It was recommended to me when I first brought home my little Doodle, and I’m so glad I listened!

It really does make brushing a breeze, and a tiny bit goes a long way, so one bottle will last a long time. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that it smells amazing too!

Cowboy Magic: Detangler and Shine (16 oz), Silk...

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Always feed your Goldendoodle the highest quality food possible.

(See our Ultimate Guide to the Best Dog Food to learn how to decipher confusing labels and make the best choice for your Goldendoodle.)

Poor quality dog food may leave a Goldendoodle lacking in vital nutrients and the result may be a dull, brittle coat that sheds more than normal.

Supplementing your Goldendoodle’s diet with fish oil, flaxseed oil, olive oil, or omega-3 supplements may help to nourish the coat and strengthen the hair follicles, thus reducing excessive hair loss.

If your concerned that your dog’s shedding might be related to a health issue, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian to rule out any thyroid concerns, allergies, and hormonal imbalances.

Real Owners Share Their Experiences With Shedding

Here’s what we found real Goldendoodles owners saying about their dog’s shedding habits:

  • “I have an F1b standard. Curly hair. Zero shedding.”
  • “My f1b mini [Golden]doodle who has curly and wavy hair doesn’t shed. GF is allergic and has no issues. He did go from a brown color to an off white but who knows why…”
  • “An F1 should* shed less than a full-bred golden, and minimally at that. An F1B should shed even less than that. Every dog is different. I have a Goldendoodle and a Bernedoodle, our Goldendoodle doesn’t shed at all, even with brushing, but our Bernedoodle drops little tufts of hair occasionally and we brush a ton of hair out of him. Neither of them shed to the point where there is hair on furniture or anything like that.”
  • “F1s almost always shed. F1bs are less likely to. F2s are the most unpredictable in terms of shedding as puppies can have coats that are identical to a golden or somewhere in between. Puppy coats do usually shed less than adult coats, and they don’t have their adult coats till they are around a year old. If you want a non-shedder, look for either F1bs or multi-gens that do coat testing.”
  • “They shed like you and I shed. Normally. However mixed breed pets can sometimes pick more traits from one breed than the other. It is possible to get more of a Golden coat than a Poodle coat and vice versa. Most likely won’t shed much though.”
  • “Ours is about 3 years old and she still sheds but nowhere near what other dogs shed. With other pups, even with consistent cleaning and vacuuming, you still find dog hair all over your clothes. With our Goldendoodle, not so much. However, I’ve heard this can be a toss-up depending on your breeder so just ask them.”
  • “Depends on coat type. It’s sometimes difficult to tell as a puppy how their hair will turn out. Mine has coarse and wavy hair so he sheds quite a bit. Not nearly as much as a golden but enough that you need to sweep regularly to avoid tumbleweeds of hair rolling around hardwood floors.”

Related Questions

Are Goldendoodles Hypoallergenic?

Hypoallergenic means unlikely to cause an allergic response. Allergies are provoked by proteins found in dander, saliva, and urine, so no breed is guaranteed to never cause allergies.

Goldendoodles are, however, less likely to cause allergies than others due to their tendency to produce less dander.

How Often Should I Bathe My Goldendoodle?

Goldendoodles should only be bathed when necessary. If there are odors present or visible dirt, by all means give him a bath.

A bath is usually called for before a haircut as well so that the hair is easy to work with. Avoid bathing too frequently as this can strip the dog’s coat of protective oils.

Head over to this article to learn more about bathing your Goldendoodle and which shampoos will be the most effective while still keeping the skin and coat healthy.

That’s A Wrap!

Whether it’s for their beautiful allergy-friendly coats and lovable personality or their intelligence and trainability, Goldendoodles are a downright fascinating breed.

They have been used extensively as therapy dogs, service dogs, diabetic alert dogs, and search-and-rescue dogs, though this crossbreed truly shines brightest in the role of family companion. 

We hope to have answered all your questions and even some you didn’t even know to ask!

If you liked this article, please share it so others can benefit from it too. And be sure to read more we’ve written about Goldendoodles.

For those who truly love their Goldendoodle, remember to grab your copy of our Goldendoodle Guidebook today so that you can rest assured knowing that you’re doing all you can to give your dog the best possible start in life.

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