Do Goldendoodles Bark A Lot? What Is Good And Bad Barking? (2024)

Do Goldendoodles Bark A Lot

The Goldendoodle is an adorable and popular hybrid dog that resulted from breeding the Poodle with the Golden Retriever. They also have the nickname of Groodles.

The Goldendoodle originally came to be as a larger alternative to the ever-so-popular Cockapoo. Goldendoodles became an instant hit among dog owners, and they continue to be a popular dog.

Goldendoodles have an excellent personality, which makes them ideal family dogs and companions.

With half of their bloodline coming from the Poodle, one would expect Goldendoodles to be intelligent dogs, and intelligent they are. They’re affectionate, loyal and easy to train.

They love being with family, whether it’s to play in the yard, lounge on the couch, or indulge in a game of fetch.

Goldendoodles are also not afraid to communicate their feelings to their owners with a simple bark when necessary.

Do Goldendoodles bark a lot? Goldendoodles do not bark much at all. Many owners state that their quiet personality is what makes them such good indoor dogs. Like any other dog, this can vary. One Goldendoodle may enjoy barking while another may have a quiet, non-vocal personality. But, as a rule, Goldendoodles only bark when they have something to say. It may be a full-fledged bark, a whine, or even a low guttural sound.

If you’re considering adding a Goldendoodle to your life, concerns about barking are probably just one of your many questions.

Concerns about shedding and grooming requirements, deciding which generation might be best, and wondering about potential health issues are probably on your list too.

In our comprehensive book, The Owner’s Guide to the Perfect Goldendoodle, we address each of these issues and so much more.

You’ll learn about working with a breeder, puppy proofing, reward-based training, and what to expect as far as temperament is concerned.

That’s really just the tip of the iceberg though. It will be the only Goldendoodle resource you need to help you raise an obedient, loving, well-adjusted companion. Grab your copy today!

Why Do Goldendoodles Bark? Is There Good and Bad Barking?

There are various reasons why a Goldendoodle might bark with the most obvious reason being that…  it’s a dog! 

Barking is how dogs communicate, and Goldendoodles are no exception. They’re generally not noisy dogs by nature.

In fact, many owners say that the only time their Goldendoodle barks is if there are guests at the door.

What Are Some Examples of “Good Barking”?

  • To Alert: Hey! There’s someone at the door!
  • To Communicate a Need: Can you please get the bone that slid under the coffee table, please? I can’t reach it.
  • Pure Joy: OMG, I love you SO much! I just can’t handle it.

What about “Bad Barking?”

  • I’m Bored: I really want something to do. Can we go play?
  • I’m Lonely: Where is everyone? I wish my people were here.
  • I Need to Get Out More: Can we please go play fetch a little bit? I’m sure I can get that ball faster this time!

These examples of bad barking are not really “bad.” In the sense that they are telling you what they need, it’s a good thing to understand that there is a problem. But it needs to be addressed.

They don’t like being away from their owners for very long and will even follow them into the bathroom if allowed!

Because of the great love and loyalty they feel for their families, they’re going to want to keep them safe and alert them of strangers or anything they might perceive as danger.

If a stranger comes to the door, they’ll probably bark like any other watchdog. Goldendoodles may not be known for their watchdog abilities, but they will act in the role of watchdog if need be.

Unlike some other dog breeds, Goldendoodles do not generally bark just to be barking.

One thing that can make Goldendoodles bark excessively is if they were taken from their mothers too soon.

A puppy should be at least 8 weeks of age before leaving their mother and going to their new home.

These first eight weeks are very important to their physical and emotional development. It’s the period in their life when they learn appropriate behavior.

When they’re removed too soon, it can affect their emotional development and result in excessive barking.

Attention is another reason why Goldendoodles might bark. As much as they enjoy just lounging around the house with their owners, they also need exercise and crave attention.

If they’re not getting enough of either of these, it can result in unnecessary barking.

It’s not unusual for a Goldendoodle to stand in front of its owner barking to let the owner know he wants some “me time.”

How to Minimize Barking

Excessive barking may be a problem if it’s not corrected or “nipped in the bud.” Puppies, particularly Goldendoodles, sound cute and so adorable when they first discover the art of barking.

However, this sound ceases to be cute and adorable when it becomes excessive and from an adult dog, especially for owners who have neighbors nearby.

There are several ways to minimize barking.

Socialization and Exercise

The most effective way to minimize and decrease barking is by providing the dog with proper socialization and exercise.

The importance of early socialization cannot be emphasized enough. If you’re just getting your Goldendoodle puppy, began socializing him with other people and dogs as much as possible.

(See our Complete Socialization Guide here to make certain you understand the process. The downloadable checklist makes it easy to track your progress.)

When an adult dog barks excessively at other people or dogs, it’s generally because it’s a new situation and one that the dog hasn’t had a lot of experience with.

Early socialization puts the dog in a situation where other animals and people do not frighten him.

Lack of exercise can lead to boredom, and boredom can lead to needless barking.

Do you know how much exercise your Goldendoodle should be getting daily? Find the answer here (for both puppies and adults).

If the Goldendoodle has sufficient exercise, he or she is going to have less energy or desire to bark. A well-exercised dog is going to be a happier dog and a tired dog.


Another method many owners use to minimize barking is to teach the dog the “speak” command.

Once they have the dog speaking (barking) on command, they’re able to teach him to “be quiet” on command as well.

Teaching this is not very difficult. If you know something that sets the dog off barking, you can use that to your advantage.

Most dogs will respond to knocking at the door. Have a friend knock on the door. As the dog is gearing up to bark, say “speak.”

When the dog barks, praise him and/or give a treat. Eventually, the dog will bark as soon as he hears “speak.”

When the dog can bark on command, he’s ready to learn to “be quiet.” When the dog barks, say “quiet.”

As soon as the dog stops barking, praise him. With consistent training, your Goldendoodle will be able to bark and stop barking on command.


Another way to minimize excessive barking when guests arrive is by leaving your Goldendoodle’s favorite toy or treat by the front door.

Give the dog the toy or treat as soon as he begins barking. It will distract him and allow him to focus on something other than barking and the guests.

Crate Training to Reduce Barking

Crate training is a great way to eliminate bad behavior, including unnecessary and excessive barking.

Some dog owners look at dog crates as a form of punishment, but nothing could be further from the truth.

When dogs are introduced to crates at an early age, their crate becomes very important to them.

It becomes their safe zone and happy place, and dogs seldom bark when they’re feeling safe and happy.

This crate, for example, provides plenty of room for the dog to stand up, turn around, and stretch out, but it’s not large enough that the dog will feel insecure.

The front and side doors make for easy access, and the included divider allows you to customize the size as your pup grows. It’s perfect for Goldendoodles.

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Most dog owners who use crates for their dog begin the crate training at an early age. Many of the Goldendoodle pups are housebroken using crates.

If the Goldendoodle begins barking unnecessarily, the owner either takes him or sends him to the crate.

In most cases, this will quiet the dog down because he’s away from the situation that initiated the barking and he’s in his “safe place.”

If you really want to make the crate the dog’s happy place, always give him a treat or a favorite toy each time you put him in the crate.

Just make sure that whatever treat or toy you offer is safe and won’t pose a choking hazard.

A Kong stuffed with some kibble or peanut butter is ideal for situations like this. It’s a practically indestructible chew toy and tasty treat in one. 

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This will really make the dog love his crate and enjoy spending time there.

There’s so much to learn about Goldendoodles! Don’t miss out on the fun facts, training tips, and care info found in our other articles about this amazing breed. Access them all here.

What About Barking Collars?

Barking collars have been around for many years, and are still a controversial topic among Goldendoodle and other dog owners.

Their mode of operation is simple. Each time the dog barks, the collar emits either a painful shock to the neck or a high-pitched sound or vibration that makes the dog stop barking.

If you’re desperate for a solution to nonstop barking but don’t want to hurt your dog with electric shocks, this no-shock collar may be the answer.

It automatically provides a vibrating correction (you choose the intensity) whenever (and only when) your dog barks.

No pain for your dog and no feelings of guilt for you. Just a vibration to distract him from the behavior.

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Using a bark collar on your Goldendoodle is a matter of personal choice. While many dog owners find bark collars helpful, others discourage their use for a couple of reasons.

Dogs who are trained often become “collar smart” and know when they’re wearing the collar and when they’re not wearing it.

They won’t bark if the collar is on but will bark the minute the collar comes off.

Unless an owner wants the dog to wear the collar 24/7 all of his life, which is not recommended, they’re still going to hear barking.

Secondly, if the collar is effective, it can teach a dog to not bark.

A serious situation could arise where the dog should bark but will be afraid to bark for fear of getting a shock or vibration or hearing that monotonous sound.

Lastly, not many dog owners want to initiate pain on their dog for doing what the dog is meant to do.

Many just wonder why use a collar when it’s not that difficult to train the dog not to bark excessively, especially when the dog is an intelligent Goldendoodle.

Related Questions

Are Goldendoodles Hard to Train?

No, they are not hard to train at all. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. When their training starts at a young age, Goldendoodles are very easy to train.

They’re intelligent and laid-back dogs that enjoy pleasing and bonding with their owners.

Although they do tend to have a stubborn streak that often manifests during training, this is minimal when training begins at a young age.

Are Goldendoodles Aggressive?

Although every dog is different, and a lot has to do with training, most Goldendoodles are not aggressive if they’ve have adequate training and socialization at a young age.

Certain situations or circumstances may bring some aggression out of a Goldendoodle, but this the exception, not the rule.

This article explains some common causes of aggression and teaches you how to spot warning signs and the best way to correct the behavior.


Most Goldendoodle owners will tell you that these dogs make perfect pets because of their loving personalities and playful nature.

Their quiet personality also makes them ideal in situations where you want a dog but not one who makes unnecessary noise. They’re quiet yet vocal when the need arises!

The more you know and understand about your Goldendoodle, the better care you’ll be able to provide.

Our Complete Goldendoodle Guide will answer all your questions, even the ones you haven’t thought of yet!

There’s no better way to begin your Goldendoodle journey and to help your pup grow into the dog he was meant to be.

Last update on 2024-05-02 at 09:18 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API