Do Pomskies Smell? What To Watch Out For! (2024)

Black and brown Pomsky puppy

Pomskies, as cute as they are, are still dogs and relatively new ones at that. As is true with any new crossbreed, people wonder about temperament, size, noise and energy levels, and appearance. Another question that often arises is whether or not they’re clean and pleasant smelling.

Do Pomskies smell? Under normal circumstances, no, a Pomsky shouldn’t smell bad or have a “doggy” odor. However, health issues such as ear, skin, or oral infections produce foul odors. Trouble with anal glands, flatulence, or soiled fur can cause a Pomsky to smell as well.

Dogs don’t seem to mind at all when they don’t exactly smell like a rose. In fact, many dogs seem rather proud of themselves if they’re particularly stinky. Their owners, though, often feel quite differently.

Let’s examine the common causes of a smelly Pomsky and what you can do to remedy the situation.

Common Causes of a Smelly Pomsky

Normally, bad smells shouldn’t be a problem with Pomskies. Numerous problems can arise, however, and lead to off-putting odors.

Ear Infections

Though ear infections occur more commonly in dogs with long, floppy ears, Pomskies may develop them too. They are caused by either yeast or bacteria, and fungal infection (yeast is a fungus) often leads to a secondary bacterial infection or vice versa.

Whether the infection is due to yeast or bacteria overgrowth, the symptoms of early infection are similar and can include:

  • Tilting the head to one side.
  • Repeatedly shaking the head.
  • Rubbing the ear on the floor or with a paw.
  • Relentless scratching that may result in hair loss.
  • Redness and/or swelling.
  • Accumulation of brown gunk in the ear.
  • Foul-smelling discharge.

One whiff of an infected ear, and you’ll be left with no doubt as to where the odor is coming from. Your veterinarian can determine if the infection is yeast or bacteria-based and send you home with the appropriate treatment.

Anal Glands

When functioning correctly, a dog’s anal glands release a small amount of foul-smelling liquid with every bowel movement. Problems only develop if one or both of the glands become excessively full or blocked.

Dogs will often scoot their rear end across the carpet leaving behind a smelly stain or lick the problem area repeatedly to try to find some relief from the discomfort.

You can guess what their breath smells like after. Then, to make matters worse, your Pomsky may proceed to lick other parts of his body, spreading the offending odor elsewhere.


It’s no secret that many dogs, even your sweet Pomsky, will happily snarf down some pretty disgusting things which can result in putrid smelling breath. Lodged food particles and decaying teeth can also cause nasty breath.

Pomeranians are prone to dental disease and abnormalities, so there’s a chance that your Pomsky will develop oral issues as well. Ask your veterinarian to inspect your dog’s mouth at every check-up so you can nip any problems in the bud.

Skin Conditions

Both Siberian Huskies and Pomeranians, the Pomsky’s parent breeds, are prone to developing a variety of skin conditions which result in itchy, flaky, smelly, infected skin. Like ear infections, infections of the skin may be caused by yeast or bacteria, so it’s best to let your veterinarian make a proper diagnosis if you suspect a skin disorder.

Soiled Coat

A Pomsky’s lovely double coat certainly does a great job in keeping them warm during the cold winter months, but it also can harbor bad odors when it becomes soiled.

For reasons beyond our understanding, many dogs enjoy rolling around in disgusting things such as cat poop, garbage, or even worse, animal carcasses. Some propose that this instinctual behavior may be an attempt to disguise their own smell, but no one really knows for sure.

A Pomsky’s coat may also pick up and retain bad odors from his own bed if it’s not laundered regularly. The same is true of his favorite couch cushion, blanket, crate mat, and anywhere your Pomsky likes to settle down for a snooze.

Sometimes things can get a little messy during bathroom breaks. Splashed urine and/or flecks of loose stool can adhere to the coat, leaving your Pomsky smelling not so fresh.


If you’ve ruled out the above causes, the bad odor you’re smelling might be due to excessive gas. Gulping food, a high-fat diet, “people” food, obesity, and lack of exercise can all contribute to smelly flatulence problems.

Ways to Keep a Pomsky Smelling Fresh

Not many people enjoy snuggling up with a stinky dog. Taking some proactive measures will help make sure that snuggle time and the occasional doggy kiss won’t make you gag but will always be delightful, bonding experiences.


Brushing out your Pomsky’s coat regularly will not only help to remove shed hairs and bits of smelly debris, but it also gives you the opportunity to spot any problems such as dry skin, soiled fur, or infections before they morph into major issues.

Cleaning the Ears

Developing the habit of cleaning your dog’s ears with a cleaning solution designed for pets at least once a month and after every swim and bath can help prevent ear infections and the associated odor.


While bathing a Pomsky too frequently can cause more problems than it solves, sometimes a bath is necessary. If the coat is dirty and smelly, by all means, give your Pomsky a bath, being sure to use a gentle, pH balanced shampoo and to rinse and dry thoroughly.

Over-the-counter, medicated shampoos may provide relief for certain skin conditions, but know that several disorders produce similar symptoms, so an exam by your veterinarian is your best bet to determine the proper treatment.

Dental Care

Brushing your Pomsky’s teeth at least two or three times a week will not only keep his breath from smelling like last week’s garbage but will benefit his oral health in the long run by removing plaque and tartar that can lead to cavities and decaying teeth.

Be sure to use a dog safe toothpaste, not one designed for people. Scheduling a professional teeth cleaning with your veterinarian once a year is recommended, though some Pomskies might need a deep cleaning more often, especially if they take after their Pomeranian family members.

Many dog dental sprays work to freshen your pet’s breath and eliminate the bacteria that causes bad breath, plaque,and tartar for a healthier mouth.

Tip: Keeping your Pomsky away from your cat’s litter box will help to keep his breath from smelling like you-know-what. Be sure to read our article on how to stop dogs from eating cat poop.

Freshening Spray

On days when your Pomsky isn’t smelling his best and you just don’t have the time to give him a bath, products like Buddy Splash can come to the rescue. Just lightly spray the coat all over for a fresh, clean smell.

Clean Your Pomsky’s Bed

A stinky bed leads to a stinky dog. Most dog beds have a removable outer cover that can be machine washed. If your dog’s doesn’t, vacuum it thoroughly, spritz with an odor-neutralizing spray, and place it outside in the sun to air out.