Can Dogs Eat Bagels? How Much To Offer & What To Avoid! (2024)

A scruffy brown dog sitting on a small area rug looking up expectantly.

When you are eating your favorite snacks, you may want to share them with your dog. Most human snacks are not okay for dogs to eat, and some may even be toxic to them.

Even though you might think your dog would enjoy a taste of your bagel, it’s best to only feed him treats that are made specifically for dogs. 

Can dogs eat bagels? Dogs should not eat bagels. Bagels may contain ingredients that are harmful or toxic to dogs. They are also high in carbohydrates and sugar, which can lead to high blood sugar levels. If your dog does eat a bagel, monitor him closely and call a vet if your dog becomes ill.

If you are wondering if your dog can have a piece of your bagel or if your dog has accidentally eaten a bagel, read on to find out if bagels are safe for dogs to eat.

What To Know About Feeding Your Dog Bagels

Dogs should not eat bagels as they have no nutritional value and may be high in sugar, salt, carbohydrates, and calories.

Bagels often contain ingredients and toppings that are harmful or even toxic to dogs. If your dog eats a small piece of bagel it may not be harmful, but you should never deliberately feed bagels to your dog.

Why Bagels Are Not Healthy for Your Dog

Dogs cannot digest or tolerate some of the same food as humans and many of the ingredients in bagels can cause health problems for dogs.

High in Carbs & Gluten

Bagels are high in carbs and gluten. Some dogs are allergic to gluten and may suffer inflammation throughout the body as well as digestion issues if they consume it.

The excess carbohydrates are broken down into glucose in the body, which can cause blood sugar levels to become dangerously high.

Empty Calories

Bagels are high in calories but low in nutrition. Your dog may like the taste of bagels and even be willing to eat a lot of them, which could cause weight gain. 


Most bagels have some type of topping. Whether it’s salt, garlic, onions, seeds, grains, butter, or cream cheese, the topping can be dangerous for dogs.

Some toppings can cause mild symptoms such as an upset stomach, but many others can cause severe allergic reactions and other health problems. 

Potential Allergy Triggers

Many bagels contain wheat or white flour. Dogs can be allergic to both. Gluten, salt, cinnamon, and other bagel ingredients can all trigger allergic reactions in dogs.

It’s best to avoid feeding your dog bagels rather than risk an allergic reaction.

Encourages Begging

If you give your dog the same foods you eat, he will think he can always have them. Every time you eat, the dog may expect a bite too. This encourages begging and can be a bad habit to break.

What If My Dog Already Ate a Bagel?

If your dog ate a bagel or a piece of a bagel, it may not be cause for concern. Monitor your dog closely for any signs of an allergic reaction or any other signs of distress.

If your dog becomes ill, take him to the vet immediately.

While you should never intentionally feed your dog a bagel, if he happens to eat a small amount, it may not be enough to make him sick.

Is Just a Small Bite of Bagel Okay?

You shouldn’t intentionally give your dog any amount of bagel, but if he happens to find a piece and eat it, it’s not likely to harm him.

You should monitor your dog and watch for signs of upset stomach, illness or an allergic reaction. 

The Most Dangerous Bagel Toppings for Dogs

A pyramid of flavored bagels against a black background.

Almost any topping added to a bagel can be harmful to dogs, but some are more dangerous than others. Toppings that cause an immediate allergic reaction post the biggest risk to your dog.

Those include garlic, raisins, onions, and poppy seeds. If your dog eats a bagel that contains any of these toppings, you may want to consult a veterinarian and watch for any signs of an allergic reaction.

Common Questions About Feeding Bagels to Dogs

Can Dogs Eat Plain Bagels?

Dogs should not eat plain bagels. Bagels contain ingredients that are harmful to dogs, and even when they are made with plain white flour, wheat flour, and flour alternatives, they could make your dog sick.

Can Dogs Eat Everything Bagels?

Everything bagels typically have poppy seeds as toppings. These can be dangerous to dogs and may cause breathing troubles, rapid heart rate, and an inability to control movement.

If a dog consumes too many poppy seeds, it can lead to death. 

Can Dogs Eat Bagels With Cream Cheese?

Cream cheese is not harmful to dogs as long as your dog is not lactose intolerant, but bagels may be a bad decision.

Bagels contain wheat and white flour, which are known to cause digestive issues in dogs. Bagels are also high in calories and carbohydrates, which can raise your dog’s blood sugar.

Can Dogs Have Cinnamon Bagels?

Dogs should not eat cinnamon or bagels. Cinnamon is not toxic to dogs, but it can cause health problems if consumed in large quantities.

Bagels may contain gluten, wheat flour or white flour, which can make your dog ill.

Can Dogs Have Blueberry Bagels?

Dogs should not eat blueberry bagels because bagels contain ingredients that can be harmful to them. Dogs can enjoy an occasional handful of blueberries as a treat.

Can Dogs Eat Bagels With Butter?

Bagels are not a good food option for dogs because they have no nutritional value and may contain ingredients that can be harmful to your dog.

Butter is not toxic to dogs but it is high in fat and may cause digestive issues.