6 Best Blind Cat Rescues in The USA! (2024)

Nothing’s cozier than a sleeping kitty. Our furry friends bring joy and love to our lives without judgment about our hangups and conditions. Unfortunately, the same grace is seldom afforded to cats.

Visually impaired cats can flourish in one of the best blind cat rescues in the USA and sometimes even find a new, loving home. Read on to learn more about blind rescue cats and blind cat adoption below.

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Why Do Blind Cats End up in Shelters?


Cats, like humans, lose their vision for several reasons, including injury, aging, and health problems. Some cats are simply born blind. 

Vision-impaired kitties are still affectionate and loving; they simply can’t see. Many people worry this means the cats will be high-maintenance. While blind pets require a bit of extra care, they adapt quickly.

However, people give up blind cats because they lack the time or patience to attend to them.

Additionally, many pet owners are intimidated by the prospect of a special needs kitty; they simply don’t realize the resources available to assist them in their cat’s transition from sighted to blind.

Whether overwhelmed by reality or intimidated by the possibilities, pet owners often surrender blind cats to shelters.

The Top Blind Cat Rescues in the USA


Blind cats are as playful and spunky as sighted felines. Unfortunately, special needs kitties are often euthanized in shelters. Most shelters are a pipeline to adoption; blind, injured, disabled, and elderly cats are frequently labeled “unadoptable.” 

Blind cat rescues know they will need to provide a forever home for most of their residents. These top blind cat rescues in the USA offer the medical care, food, shelter, and love blind felines need to flourish. 

1. Blind Cat Rescue & Sanctuary


Blind Cat Rescue & Sanctuary is a non-profit in St. Pauls, North Carolina, founded by a mother-daughter duo. It is one of two shelters in America providing a forever home designed specifically for blind cats.

North Carolina law deems it acceptable for animal control facilities to put down sick, injured, or blind animals. The owners founded the rescue in 2005 to save “unadoptable” blind cats from euthanization.

The Facilities

The Blind Cat Rescue & Sanctuary was designed for blind kitties and their unique needs. The building allows them plenty of room, windows, and sunlight.

In 2011, a second building was erected to house Leukemia positive and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus cats whose conditions are often death sentences. 

Visitors can stop in to visit the furry residents Monday through Saturday between 12:30 and 4 pm.


Blind Cat Rescue & Sanctuary is clearly a labor of love. The website includes memorials for every cat that passes away in the facility. However, running a non-profit is an expensive proposition.

Like any other cat, blind cats require a wealth of resources and supplies. Donors can send money or purchase items off the rescue’s Amazon wishlist. 

Supporters can choose to sponsor one of the facility’s many cats. The rescue’s website contains pictures and facts about each cat, including: 

  • Breed
  • Diagnosis
  • Arrival date
  • Age 
  • Circumstances that brought them there

Blind Cat Rescue & Sanctuary has 24-hour streams of the kitties, allowing donors to see their contribution in action. 

The website allows donors simply wishing to send money to set up monthly sustaining contributions at a variety of tiers. Particularly generous patrons can even donate their cars to the establishment.

Blind Cat Rescue & Sanctuary Details:

2. Blind Hope Cat Sanctuary


Based in Northwest Arkansas, the Blind Hope Cat Sanctuary rescues cats from euthanasia centers or via Trap-neuter-return programs.

In addition to housing special needs cats, the rescue provides educational workshops and seminars to the public about TNR and taking care of orphaned kittens to curb the overly saturated cat population.

This helps prevent euthanasia in shelters caused by overpopulation.

The Facility

Leticia Stivers, a veteran of the Humane Society, opened Blind Hope Cat Sanctuary in 2013 to save cats from euthanasia. 

The building was constructed specifically as a cat paradise, with boxes, cat doors, windows, and 

sills for jumping. The sanctuary is climate controlled to ensure the cats are always in a safe temperature. The building includes a spacious, easily accessed porch so the kitties can enjoy the fresh air and bird songs.

Four feral houses for the unsocialized cats who need a place to hide in inclement weather. 

A net covers the entire enclosure to protect the kitties from hawks, as well as a chain link fence buried eight inches into the ground that keeps cats from digging out and potential threats from digging in.

The sanctuary doesn’t limit its intake to blind cats. Blind Hope Cat Sanctuary provides a home for cats deemed unadoptable for being:

  • Blind
  • FIV positive
  • Elderly
  • Disabled
  • Injured


Those hoping to help the Blind Hope Cat Sanctuary have many avenues open to them: 

  • Making a donation
  • Sponsoring a specific cat (30 dollars monthly, 90 dollars quarterly, 360 dollars annually)
  • Buying products off the rescue’s Amazon wishlist
  • Buying products from their eBay store
  • Making the rescue their Amazon Smile beneficiary
  • Donate Fresh Step Paw Points

The website provides pictures and information about all of the cats, allowing donors to pick which kitty they want to sponsor.

The website contains tributes to the deceased kitties; Blind Hope Cat Sanctuary loves every furry inhabitant.

Blind Hope Cat Sanctuary Details:

3. Milo’s Sanctuary


Michele Hoffman, president and founder of Milo’s Sanctuary, founded the establishment to specialize in providing care and shelter for disabled, elderly, abused, and terminally ill kitties. 

Milo’s sanctuary provides a lifetime care program for any cat that can’t be rehomed while pursuing families and forever homes for adoptable pets. 

The Facility

The facility is run exclusively by volunteers and relies heavily upon donations and sponsorships to keep the doors open.

Milo’s also provides a home to special needs feral cats; the sanctuary offers a safe place for the kitties without compromising their need for freedom.

Located on 283 acres in Mendocino County, Burbank, California, the rescue is also home to senior cats either rescued from shelters or abandoned by their humans.

Milo’s provides senior cats with special diets, enhanced medical treatment, and any other special accommodations they may require for the duration of their lives.

Milo’s doesn’t limit its care to cats. The sanctuary offers refuge to abandoned barnyard animals, from chickens to goats, to pigs, to donkeys.

The rescue provides regular medical care, food, and shelter for all its critters.

Milo’s offers adoption services for some of their able-bodied and special needs kitties.


Like all non-profits, Milo’s Sanctuary relies on the kindness of strangers to keep the doors open and the kitties fed.

The rescue provides supporters with a variety of donation options. Those wanting to gift money have a variety of tiers available to them, from $5 to $100 monthly.

The website has pictures and bios of all of Milo’s residents so that donors can acquaint themselves with the kitties.

Supporters can choose their favorite cat to sponsor. For 25 dollars monthly, contributors receive a photo of their kitty, a certificate of appreciation, and their cat’s story.

Donors can also choose to make a memorial donation. Contributors can also support the facility by:

  • Purchasing items off Milo’s Amazon wishlist
  • Connect their Amazon Smile account to Milo’s
  • Donating their Purina Paw Point rewards
  • Buying the rescue items off their Chewy’s wishlist

The Milo’s Sanctuary website provides the following:

  • A wealth of information on blind cats.
  • Taking care of them.
  • Adopting them and all the data involved.

The site also contains information on cats with Cerebellar Hypoplasia, Paralyzed kitties, and senior cats.

Milo’s Sanctuary Details:

4. Yakima Blind Cat Rescue


Yakima Blind Cat Rescue, located in Yakima, Washington, began providing permanent housing for blind cats and kittens in 2020.

The Facility

While blind felines live there permanently, Yakima Blind Cat Rescue houses sick, abandoned, and homeless kitties until they can be adopted into good homes.

The non-profit organization specializes in care for cats who lost their vision through congenital disabilities, neglect, abuse, or fights. Many of their cats have other medical conditions and complications.

Yakima Blind Cat Rescue provides their furry charges with steady companionship, care, and medical attention.

The establishment lists its adoptable pets on Petfinder. The best way to follow Yakima Blind Cat Rescue is through their Facebook page. The non-profit frequently posts calls for foster homes.


The facility focuses on caring for, feeding, and housing special needs cats. These kitties require unique food, medical attention, and the other everyday basics all felines need.

Yakima Blind Cat Rescue accepts donations of litter, food, money, and toys.

The rescue has a Chewy wishlist registry and an Amazon wishlist. Donors can also link their Amazon Smile account to the organization.

Yakima Blind Cat Rescue Details:

5. Tabby’s Place


Jonathan Rosenberg opened Tabby’s Place in 1999 as a safe refuge for cats deemed undesirable for one reason or the other.

The Ringoes, New Jersey non-profit provides housing to special needs cats and abandoned kitties.

The Facility

Between 30 to 40 percent of Tabby’s Place’s furry inhabitants have chronic conditions that render them “unadoptable.” The establishment gives them a forever home.

The organization ensures every kitty receives top-notch veterinary care, regardless of expense.

The cage-free environment provides cats with all the care, affection, and attention they need to feel safe and secure.

The Rosenbergs designed the facility to accommodate kitties’ needs. It is open and spacious, has lots of sunny spots for naps, plenty of fresh air, and easy access to the outdoor solaria.

Tabby’s Place strives to find safe and loving homes for the adoptable cats in their care. 

The establishment houses FeLV-positive kitties in a section called Quinn’s Corner.

Tabby’s Place offers a “Guardian Angel’s Program” for pet owners. This allows Tabby’s Place to take in the kitties if their owners pre-decease them.

The establishment provides an assistance request form for those seeking guidance and cat health issues.

The facility opens its doors daily from 1 to 4 pm for visits and adoptions.


The Tabby’s Place website posts pictures of their special needs cats. These kitties can be sponsored or adopted into the right home.

The site shows each kitty’s sweet face and contains a biography explaining the cat’s circumstances and conditions. 

Additionally, donors can contribute to the general fund, the kitten fund, the TNR fund, or the elderly care fund.

Contributors can donate an amount in memoriam. The person they designate receives a personalized card. The contributed funds go to buying:

  • Prescription food
  • Kitty litter
  • Diabetic supplies
  • Emergency and intensive care
  • Microchips
  • Kitten treats
  • Toys
  • Kitten formula

Tabby’s Place encourages physical donations as well. Donors can drop off contributions in person or send them by mail.

Additionally, generous cat lovers can purchase items from the rescue’s Amazon and Chewy Wishlists.

Patrons can connect their Amazon Smile, GoodShop, and iGive accounts so that every purchase they make through those sites contributes a percentage to Tabby’s Place. 

Tabby’s Place Details:

6. Safe Haven Pet Sanctuary


Safe Haven Pet Sanctuary is a no-kill, no-cage sanctuary and rehab center for special needs kitties. Located in Green Bay, Wisconsin, Safe Haven Pet Sanctuary takes in a small number of dogs but focuses primarily on special needs cats.

The Facility

Safe Haven lives up to its name, rescuing cats from sad fates. The facility rescues 883 pets on average annually, saving the lives of 99% of their furry residents.

Safe Haven’s kitties are:

  • Blind
  • Abused
  • Neglected
  • FIV positive
  • Missing limbs
  • Under psychological duress

The facility also houses elderly cats and neonatal kittens, providing loving care until they find forever homes. 

Safe Haven adopts out which pets it can, thoroughly screening applicants to ensure they provide a loving and secure home for the kitties.

The organization also has a foster program for those who can’t commit to full adoption.

The Safe Haven website provides pictures, biographies, and an explanation of their adoptable pets’ maladies. 


Safe Haven runs entirely on donations. The establishment holds community events involving their kitties, like Floor Fitness with Felines, Low-Cost Veterinary Clinics, and Yoga with Kitties.

While these programs raise some funds, Safe Haven thrives because of donations. The sanctuary allows generous contributors to make a one-time donation or a recurring monthly contribution.

Safe Haven Pet Sanctuary Details:

Conclusion For “Best Blind Cat Rescues in The USA”


Blind cats need the same care and affection that sighted ones do. These kitties are often abandoned owing to their unique needs. Given the proper medical attention and environment, blind cats flourish. 

The sanctuaries on this list are the best blind cat rescues in the USA. They provide love, food, and shelter to underserved kitties. 

It’s important to note that with everything provided to these pets, you shouldn’t expect rescues to be free cats. However, the small price you’ll pay to adopt is nothing compared to the love and companionship you’ll get in return!

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