Of course, it’s no surprise that the pairing of a dignified Siberian Husky and a dainty Pomeranian results in positively adorable puppies featuring desirable traits from both parent breeds.
Thanks in part to cute pictures flooding social media, this newcomer to the dog world, the Pomsky, is soaring in popularity.
More and more people realize that they can have a dog who resembles a Siberian Husky but is small enough to thrive in apartments and houses with limited space and small yards.
How big do Pomskies get?
Generally, a Pomsky will weigh 20 to 30 pounds and stand 10 to 15 inches tall though smaller and larger dogs are not uncommon. A good way to estimate how big a Pomsky will be when they’re full-grown is to look at the size of their parents.
If you’re considering adding one of these beauties to your life, it’s important to understand the truth about Pomskies and not base your decision on those darling pictures making their rounds on the internet.
Being familiar with the facts and knowing the factors that influence adult size will help you know what to look for when purchasing and what to expect as your puppy grows.
How Big Will a Pomsky Get?
When considering this question, it’s important to remember that this “designer breed” is still very much in the developmental phase and thus, is years away from being officially recognized by major organizations such as the American Kennel Club (AKC).
Yes, Pomskies will average between 20 – 30 pounds, stand around 10 – 15 inches high at the shoulder, and be about 12 – 17 inches long from chest to rump, but extreme variations are certainly possible this early in the game.
What Factors Contribute to a Pomsky’s Size?
Size of Parents
The adult size of a Pomsky is heavily influenced by the size of his parents and even his grandparents. For safety reasons during pregnancy and whelping, Pomskies should always be produced with the mother being larger than the father.
So, female Siberian Huskies are bred to male Pomeranians via artificial insemination (little Pomeranian males just can’t reach a bigger Husky to get the job done).
Siberian Husky females are between 35 -50 pounds and Pomeranian males are between 3 -7 pounds. If the parents are close to the maximum breed weight, you can generally expect their puppies to be on the higher end of the scale as well.
Conversely, smaller parents will tend to produce smaller Pomskies. However, genetics can be tricky, and sometimes a puppy will more closely resemble one of his grandparents than either one of his parents.
When trying to predict how large a Pomsky puppy may grow to be, his generation should definitely be taken into account. If you’re not familiar with dog generations, here’s a quick breakdown of the terms and definitions commonly used:
- F1 Generation – The result of breeding a purebred Siberian Husky to a purebred Pomeranian. The Pomsky pups are 50% Siberian Husky and 50% Pomeranian.
- F1B Generation – The result of breeding an F1 generation Pomsky to a purebred parent. Puppies produced by breeding an F1 Pomsky female to a Pomeranian male would be 75% Pomeranian and 25% Siberian Husky. A Siberian Husky female bred to an F1 Pomsky male would produce pups who are 75% Siberian Husk and 25% Pomeranian.
- F2 Generation – The result of breeding two F1 generation Pomskies. The puppies are technically 50% Siberian Husky and 50% Pomeranian, but this generation tends to result in inconsistent traits throughout the litter.
- F2B Generation – The result of breeding an F2 generation to one of the original parent breeds. For example, a Pomsky female could be bred to a purebred Pomeranian male.
- F3 Generation and beyond – The result of breeding two F2 generation Pomskies would be classified as being F3 generation. These pups could later be bred back to an original parent breed to produce F3B puppies. F3 generations and beyond are often simply referred to as multi-generational, or multigens for short.
We know that all of that generation terminology can be a bit confusing. The basic takeaways are this:
- The more Siberian Husky in a Pomsky’s family tree, the larger the puppy can be expected to grow.
- The more Pomeranian in the Pomsky’s background, the smaller the dog will tend to be.
Until many generations of Pomskies reliably breed true (puppies will look nearly identical to the parents) and a large enough gene pool is created to produce consistent, predictable traits, variations in Pomsky size will continue to occur.
Though the average height, weight, and length will give you a fairly good idea of what to expect in your new Pomsky puppy.
What Age Are They Fully Grown?
Most Pomskies will be finished with their skeletal growth by around their first birthday. This means that the bones have reached their full length, and the dog has reached his maximum height.
Up until the age of 18 months or so, many Pomskies will continue to add fat and muscle to their frame causing them to bulk up a bit and gain some additional weight.
All puppy owners should be aware that although their Pomsky may still be growing, sexual maturity is usually reached well before the dog’s first birthday. Both male and female Pomskies will begin to show signs of sexual maturity between the ages of 6 to 9 months old.
Be prepared to deal with some behavioral changes as all of those new hormones begin to take effect. If you don’t plan to breed or show your dog, spaying or neutering is highly recommended.
As your Pomsky nears his first birthday, don’t expect his playful personality to disappear. That’s just not how it works.
Both of his parent breeds are well established as being friendly, inquisitive, active, and a bit mischievous, so you can be sure that he’ll hold onto that animated, fun-loving disposition even as he grows up.
When do Pomskies stop growing? By the age of 18 months, most Pomskies will be done growing and will be physically, sexually, and mentally mature.
Are There Different Sizes?
Although the numbers can vary, generally, any dog weighing less than 5 pounds is classified as a teacup. Those categorized as toy-size weigh less than 10 pounds, and miniatures typically fall between 10 -18 pounds.
Though some smaller Pomskies may technically be classified as a miniature, teacup or toy sizes are highly implausible and are most likely simply a marketing ploy. If you run across a very tiny dog being labeled as a Pomsky, odds are that there is a whole lot of “Pom” and very little, if any, “sky” in the dog.
The vast majority of Pomskies will fall between the average weight range of 20 -30 pounds and would be considered standard size.
How Long Is a Pomsky a Puppy?
Though many consider any dog over a year old to be an adult, much to the delight of some owners (and to the dismay of owners with particularly rambunctious dogs), it may take up to two years before your little Pomsky is mentally mature and ready to act like a grown-up.
Every dog will mature mentally at his own pace. Typically though, puppy behavior starts to dwindle after the first year before disappearing entirely.
Try to savor every moment of puppyhood (yep, even when you find yet another pair of chewed-up slippers), because before you know it, your little one will be all grown up and ready to take on the world.
Related Questions
What is the expected lifespan of a Pomsky?
Pomskies have an average lifespan of 13 – 15 years. Buying from a reputable breeder will increase the odds that your dog will be free of debilitating health conditions.
Regular checkups, proper nutrition, routine vaccinations, and daily exercise will help your Pomsky live to be a ripe old age.