Dog Trying To Hump New Puppy? 6 Reasons Why & What To Do! (2024)

An older French bulldog attempting to hump a Frenchie puppy.

When you bring a new puppy into your home, you should be excited to see how he or she adapts and gets along with your other pets.

However, if your older dog is humping the new puppy, you may be alarmed.

Mounting or humping is common among dogs of all ages, and while it’s not a harmful behavior, it can be corrected with proper training. 

Why is my dog trying to hump my new puppy? If your dog is humping your new puppy, he is likely trying to demonstrate his dominance. Some dogs also mount other dogs when they are playing and get overly excited. The behavior is a natural instinct and is usually harmless but can be corrected with training.

If your dog is mounting or humping your puppy or other animals in your home, read on to learn more about this behavior and how to correct it. 

Older Dog Mounting Puppy: 6 Explanations

If you bring a younger dog into your home and already have an older dog, the older dog may mount the puppy.

This could be due to a lot of reasons, and if you want to correct the behavior, you need to understand the reasons behind it.

Older Dog Is Not Neutered

If the older dog is not neutered, he could be mountain the puppy as practice or even out of an urge to mate. Neutering can put a stop to the mounting.

Display of Dominance

Bringing a new dog into your home may seem threatening to your older dog.

The older dog may react by displaying his dominance to show the new dog that he is the alpha and will be the dominant dog in your home.

Playful Behavior

Mounting is often the result of playful behavior. Dogs play by practicing their roles, and sometimes mounting is a result of their playfulness mixing with their instincts.

Overly Excited

If a dog gets overly excited to see a person or a new puppy, he (or she) may mount them out of excitement. This will usually cease once the dog gets used to the new puppy. 

Jealous and Seeking Attention

When you bring home a new puppy, you will likely be spending a lot of time with him or her. Your older dog may notice this and act out due to jealousy or when they are seeking attention.

Ensuring your older dog gets plenty of attention can help reduce or prevent this behavior. 

Natural Canine Behavior

It’s natural for dogs to mount other dogs in a pack. In nature, wolves, coyotes, and wild dogs often mount each other for various reasons.

This behavior could be your dog just following his natural instincts. 


When dogs are stressed or confused, they may hump other dogs or even their owners.

Dogs can be stressed for many reasons, including the introduction of a new person or animals to their lives.

Calming your dog and providing toys and affection can help reduce their stress level and reduce the mounting behavior.

How To Teach Older Dog Not To Hump Puppy

Two dogs sitting side by side watching the sun set.

You can stop your dog from humping your new puppy by catching him or her in the act and gently removing them from the mounted position.

You can also say a firm “No” when doing this. You may need to remove your dog from this position several times before your dog learns that this behavior is not permitted. 

Why Is My Neutered Male Still Humping?

If your dog is neutered and still humping, he could be doing so due to stress, excitement, dominance, or just natural instincts.

Although neutering a dog often reduces the desire to mount or hump, it may not stop it completely. 

Is It Normal for Female Dogs To Hump?

Female dogs can hump for many of the same reasons that male dogs hump. It is not a mating instinct but is often a way to show dominance or relieve stress.

Why Do Male Dogs Mount Each Other?

When male dogs mount each other, the most common reason is a display of dominance.

Male dogs can also mount each other when they are playing or just practicing for real-life mating.

At What Age Do Puppies Begin To Hump?

Puppies can begin humping as early as a few weeks old. Littermates often hump each other, and it is considered a form of bonding and learning.

Puppies do not reach puberty until they are around six months old, so humping shouldn’t be considered sexual until they reach this age.

Related Questions: 

Can a Puppy Be Dominant Over an Older Dog?

In most cases, the older dog will attempt to display dominance, but it’s possible for it to be submissive to a puppy or younger dog and allow the puppy to be the dominant dog.

Why Does My New Puppy Hump Me?

Your new puppy may be humping you to show that he’s excited to see you or to claim you as his owner.

If you correct the behavior every time your puppy humps you, he will quickly learn that it is not acceptable and will find new ways to show affection.


It is common for young puppies and older dogs to hump or mount each other, other animals, and even humans.

While it’s not a harmful behavior, it can be an annoying and even embarrassing one.

As with all inappropriate behaviors, dogs can be taught not to hump or mount with proper training.

Understanding the reason for the behavior will make it easier to know how to correct it.