How Much Exercise Does An Aussiedoodle Need? Puppy To Adult! (2024)

How Much Exercise Do Aussiedoodles Need
Image courtesy of Cottonwood Creek Doodles

Aussiedoodles are happy, friendly dogs who are loyal to their family and love spending time with them. The Aussiedoodle is a mixed breed dog created by mixing the Australian Shepherd with either a Miniature or a Standard Poodle. Due to the good energy drive and high intelligence that comes from both breeds, Aussiedoodles are very trainable dogs. 

Training should begin as early as possible, and it can even be blended in with their daily exercise. Like all breeds of dogs, Aussiedoodles require regular exercise. Providing your Aussiedoodle with regular exercise is important because it keeps him in good shape, promotes healthier living and helps keep the dog from being bored and destructive. 

How much exercise does an Aussiedoodle need? A good rule of thumb is 5 minutes for each month in age, twice a day. Therefore, a 3-month old Aussiedoodle would get 15 minutes two times a day, and an 8-month old would get 40 minutes twice a day.

Adults should get about 45 to 60 minutes two times per day. Their exercise should come in the form of both physical and mental exercise. 

3 Months Old = 15 Minutes (Twice a day)

6 Months Old = 30 Minutes (Twice a day)

9 Months Old = 45 Minutes (Twice a day)

A fully grown Aussiedoodle can exercise much longer.

What Kind Of Exercise Is Good For Aussiedoodle Puppies?

Perfect for Puppies Too Much Stress
Walks around the block on leash, keeping it casual and fun. Jogging or biking for any significant stretch might be too much for a smaller puppy.  Don’t make them keep up with you, go at her pace.
Free play in the yard with some toys.  Let them run and play and have fun with them!  If things get too exciting, try and calm them a bit. Long stretches of running and really vigorous play at the puppy stage might be too much
Walking around the house is always fine for a pup, you can guide him or her along with you to get some exercise. Climbing stairs, hills, or really long stretches of strenuous activity, you need to watch for signs they are ok.
A fun game of fetch or tug of war is a popular way to get in some exercise with puppies around the world! Again watch for signs of too much.  Puppies are still growing and developing.  Too much can put a strain on joints at this age.

Activities Aussiedoodles Typically Enjoy

While all Aussiedoodles don’t love water (more on that here), those that do likely get it from the Poodle side. They often can’t seem to get enough of the water, whether they’re swimming, hunting, catching a Frisbee in the water or just frolicking by the shore. They have a medium to high-energy drive, which has them wanting to keep busy at all times. 

Their herding ability comes from the Australian Shepherd side of the family, and they often try to herd people around especially young children. If you see them surrounding children and almost looking like they’re going to nip the child’s ankles, it’s just them trying to surround and herd them. 

They don’t mean any harm when they’re doing their herding thing. It’s just what they do. However, they should be corrected when they do this because it can be frightening to a young child. If a young child becomes frightened and starts to cry, it might excite the Aussie even more. 

When it comes to activities, there are very few that Aussiedoodles don’t enjoy. They need to have an active playtime every day to wear off some of their boundless energy. The playtime can be a long walk, playing fetch, jumping over things or any task that keeps them busy. Even a good chew toy will keep them busy for hours on end.

Some owners even teach the dog how to clean up their yard by teaching the dog to bring things back to them. The Aussie loves it because it’s an activity and Aussie’s love activities that keep them busy and pleasing their owner. They also love activities that are challenging and mentally stimulating. 

When You Should Exercise Your Aussiedoodle

Aussiedoodles should be put on a regular exercise regimen as early in life as possible. Although young puppies can’t deal with a lot of exercises, they still need some to enhance their health and socialize them. Poodles have a tendency to be snippy and aggressive if they’re not properly socialized. A trip to the park not only socializes them but also provides them with much-needed exercise. 

Exercising your Aussiedoodle at the wrong time of day can be almost as harmful, if not more so, than not exercising him at all. Do you remember being told as a child not to go swimming for at least a half hour after eating? The same kind of rules applies to your dog in regards to exercise and eating. 

They should not be walked or exercises eight right before or right after they finish eating. Do not feed them for at least 30 minutes after they’ve been exercised or walked. In addition, do not exercise them until at least an hour after they’ve finished eating. Not following these rules can result in your Aussie developing bloat. 

Gastric dilatation or bloat is not very common in Aussiedoodles, but it can happen, and it can be fatal to a dog if the dog is not treated immediately. Actually, it’s not that common with Australian Shepherds but is somewhat common with Standard Poodles

Signs of bloat are distended stomach, restlessness and unproductive vomiting. Although it’s generally from overeating and not getting enough exercise, you may not see the signs until a few hours after the dog has eaten. 

One way to prevent the onset of bloat is to feed the dog smaller meals a few times a day rather than one large meal. The one thing about dogs is that they’ll often continue eating even when they’re not hungry if the food is in front of them. An Aussie that’s not getting sufficient exercise is also going to be more prone to bloat. 

Torsion is another condition a dog can develop from eating and exercising too close together. Torsion results with the top and the bottom of the dog’s stomach twisting like a Tootsie Roll wrap. If this happens, gases become trapped in the stomach, and it can cut off circulation. Both bloat and torsion can be fatal to your Aussiedoodle.

Mental Stimulation Through Brain Games And Their Benefits

When you’re exercising your Aussiedoodle, don’t underestimate the importance of providing him with mental stimulation. Aussiedoodles are highly intelligent dogs and require more than just physical activity. They crave mental stimulation and things that are mentally challenging. It gives them something to keep their minds occupied. 

Mental stimulation can be provided with interactive games or puzzles. Aussies love canine puzzles that have treats hidden inside. They have the task of finding the treat. This game never gets tiring or old for Aussies.

As long as they continue to find treats, they’ll continue to love this game. If there are certain toys or treats you know your Aussie loves, try showing them to the dog and then hiding them in the yard. The Aussie’s excellent sense of smell will keep him occupied for quite a while. 

Teaching the Aussie new tricks is another form of mental stimulation. They love learning new things and love pleasing their master. Creating an obstacle course in your back yard will also provide the dog with mental stimulation. Aussiedoodles typically excel at agility courses and will love being able to do this every day. There are many benefits to mental stimulation for the Aussie. 

  • Prevents boredom – When dogs are bored, they’re more prone to exhibiting destructive behavior. 
  • Keeps them happy – Aussies do not enjoy being bored and can actually become depressed without enough mental stimulation. A stimulated Aussie is usually a happy Aussie. 
  • Keeps the brain active – The more they’re mentally stimulated, the better for their brain power. 
  • Decreases aggression – A dog that is getting sufficient mental stimulation is less likely to be aggressive. 
  • Develops good habits for the dog – The dog will learn about playtime and how to respond better if he’s getting enough mental stimulation. 
  • Great bonding – Providing the dog with good mental stimulation will help the two of you strengthen your bond.

If you’d like to learn even more about mental stimulation games and puzzles for your pup, be sure to check out our Complete Mental Stimulation Guide. It even has some really helpful videos to watch.

Related Questions

Are Aussiedoodles good at any sports?

Whether it’s their high-energy drive, their intelligence, their fantastic agility or all of the above, Aussie’s are athletic and good at many sports. Aussies participate and excel in various dog sports, such as rally, flyball, agility and always love a game of fetch. It doesn’t even really have to fall in the category of a sport. Aussiedoodles love almost anything that keeps them active and around people. 

Do Aussiedoodles make good running partners?

Aussies are active and energetic dogs that love running. With proper training, they excel at agility and similar competitions. As long as the Aussie is in good physical condition, and you don’t overdo it, the dog will make an excellent running partner. 


As adults, we often look at exercise and work, but your Aussie will look at it in an entirely different light. Dogs enjoy exercise, consider it as play and fun time and a time when they can bond with their best friend. Exercising your Aussiedoodle is a win-win for both of you!

Photo Credit: Cottonwood Creek Doodles